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尽管许多人将咖啡因的戒断与高水平的消费相关,但根据约翰·霍普金斯医学,饮酒后可以形成依赖性一杯咖啡- 约100毫克的caffeine- 一天。

Read on to learn how peppermint, ice, and other therapies can help ease your headache and reduce your reliance on caffeine overall.

Caffeine缩小血管在你的大脑。Without it, your blood vessels widen. The resulting boost in blood flow could trigger aheadacheor result in other戒断的症状

一些OTC pain relieverscan help relieve headache pain, including:

  • 布洛芬(Advil, Midol)
  • 对乙酰氨基酚(Tylenol)
  • 阿司匹林(Bayer, Bufferin)

这se medications are typically taken once every four to six hours until your pain subsides. Your dosage will depend on the type and strength of the pain reliever.


咖啡因不仅可以帮助您的身体更快地吸收药物,还可以使这些药物吸收40 percentmore effective.

It’s important to remember that caffeine consumption of any kind will contribute to your body’s dependence. Whether you let withdrawal run its course or resume consumption is up to you.

If you do take a pain reliever, limit your use to twice a week. Taking these medications too often can lead to反弹头痛

Try it now:Purchase布洛芬,,,,对乙酰氨基酚, 或者阿司匹林


实际上, 2016年的研究 声称这个话题薄荷油may be as effective as acetaminophen at relievingtension headaches

If you want to give it a try, gently massage two to three drops of peppermint oil into your forehead or temples. This oil can be safely applied without being diluted, though you’re welcome to mix it with a载油(如coconut oil).

Try it now:Purchase薄荷油and a载油

If you regularly drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, increasing your water intake can help降低风险for related headaches.

咖啡因可以使您的小便更多,从而增加损失的液体。体内的液体太少或脱水,,,,can make your brain shrink in volume.

当您的大脑收缩时,它会从您的skull。This sets off pain receptors in the protective membrane surrounding the brain, which could trigger a headache.

每个人都需要的流体量stay hydratedcan vary. A good rule of thumb is to drink eight glasses of water per day.

Ice is a go-to remedy for many people who get偏头痛。将冰袋涂在头上可以通过改变血液或麻木区域来帮助缓解头痛疼痛。

Another option is putting the ice pack on the back of your neck. In a small study ,,,,研究ers placed a cold pack over thecarotid artery在参与者的脖子上。冷处理使偏头痛疼痛减轻了大约三分之一。

Try it now:购买冰袋

身体周围的各个点与您的健康相关。这些被称为pressure points, or acupoints

按下某些压力点可能有助于缓解头痛,部分原因是缓解肌肉张力。研究人员2010 studyfound that one month of acupressure treatment relieved chronic headaches better than muscle relaxants.

You can try acupressure at home. One point that’s tied to headaches is located between the base of your thumb and your index finger. When you have a headache, try firmly pressing on this point for five minutes. Make sure you repeat the technique on the opposite hand.

Some people find that taking a nap or hitting the hay early can help relieve headache pain.

在2009年的一项小型研究中 81 percent 持续紧张的头痛的参与者认为睡眠是找到救济的最有效方法。这睡眠与偏头痛之间的关系has also been noted.

That said, sleep has a peculiar connection to headaches. For some people, sleep isa headache trigger,,,,and for others, it’s an effective treatment. You know your body best.

If other measures aren’t providing relief, you may consider giving in to your caffeine craving. Although this is a surefire way to soothe your symptoms, doing so will contribute to your dependence.

这only way to break this cycle is to cut back on or give up caffeine entirely.


Along with headaches, withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • fatigue
  • 嗜睡
  • low energy
  • low mood
  • trouble concentrating

One way to avoid caffeine withdrawal headaches is to reduce your dependence on caffeine. However, you could end up with even more headaches if you go cold turkey.

这best way is to cut back slowly. You should aim to reduce your intake by about25 percent每周。

For example, if you usually drink four cups of coffee a day, go down to three cups a day for the first week. Continue to cut back until you get down to one or no cups a day. If you crave the taste of coffee, switch toDecaf

You may consider using a food diary to track how much caffeine you’re getting. This will help you cut back on other sources of caffeine, such asblack tea,,,,soda,,,,andchocolate。Switching to noncaffeinated alternatives, such as草药茶,,,,seltzer果汁,carob可能会有所帮助。


You should make an appointment with your doctor if your headaches are accompanied by:

You should also see your doctor if your headaches happen more frequently or increase in severity.