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目前尚不清楚为什么IPF会发展。这个单词特发性actually means unknown.

Each case of IPF is different, so it’s important to speak with your doctor regarding the specifics about disease progression.

IPF isn’t the only condition that can make breathing more difficult.Get informed about the differences between IPF and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


  • 环境暴露,例如污染和毒素
  • 药物
  • radiation therapy
  • 感染
  • other diseases

However, in the majority of pulmonary fibrosis cases, doctors aren’t able to identify a cause. If they’re unable to find a cause, the disease will be labeled idiopathic.

Genetic factors may play some role in the development of pulmonary fibrosis and IPF, but it’s rare for these conditions to occur in more than one member of the same family.发现other risk factors for IPF here


Common symptoms include:

最终,您的肺可能无法吸收足够的氧气来为您的身体提供所需的含量。这最终会导致呼吸衰竭,heart failure,,,,and other health concerns.

However, IPF progresses slowly, and treatments are available.了解有关IPF警告信号的更多信息

IPF doesn’t have formal stages, but there are unique periods in the progression of the disease.


一个s scarring in your lungs becomes severe, you’ll likely need oxygen at all times. That includes when you’re active, at rest, and even sleeping.

In the later stages of IPF, high-flow oxygen machines can be used to develop increased levels of oxygen. When you’re away from home, portable machines can provide continuous oxygen.


但是,采取某些行动可以帮助减慢疾病的进展。Check out this list of questions to ask your doctor about IPF progression

Since the signs and symptoms of IPF develop slowly over time, it’s difficult for doctors to diagnose IPF immediately. Scarring caused by IPF also looks similar to scarring caused by其他肺部疾病


Tests used to diagnose IPF include:

一个ccording to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation,50,000 new casesof IPF are diagnosed each year in the United States.

Treatment options are available to help you manage and reduce your symptoms.


最常见的治疗选择包括氧疗法and medications. Oxygen therapy helps with breathing, and药物help to control inflammation and reduce lung tissue scarring


一个lung transplant也可能需要。因为这是一个重大操作,所以肺移植通常被视为最终治疗步骤。目前,这是IPF的唯一方法。

早期治疗对于被诊断出患有这种肺部状况的人至关重要。Learn more about how treatment can help you manage the symptoms of IPF


  • stopping smoking, if you currently do
  • maintaining a moderate weight, which may require weight loss
  • staying on top of all vaccines, medications, and vitamins or supplements
  • using an oxygen monitor to keep your oxygen saturation (also known as blood oxygen levels) in optimal range

You may also consider joining a pulmonary rehabilitation support group. These groups, which may be arranged by your doctor’s office or a local hospital, connect you with healthcare professionals and possibly other people who are living with IPF.

在一起,你可以学习呼吸和调节exercises as well as techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and the many emotions this diagnosis may cause.

Learning tools for stress management might help prevent worsening symptoms. Support groups can also ease anxiety and feelings of loneliness as you face questions or uncertainty when the disease progresses.


For some people, the disease may progress very quickly. For others, it may take many years before breathing problems are so difficult that they require you to use oxygen.

When lung function becomes severely limited, it can trigger serious complications. These include:






  • 你的年龄
  • your overall health
  • 疾病进展的速度
  • the intensity of symptoms

Researchers are working to raise money for clinical trials that may ultimately lead to a lifesaving discovery. Until a nonsurgical cure for IPF is found, having a lung transplant can help extend your life.Find out more about life expectancy and IPF.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of IPF, ask a doctor or healthcare professional about them. The sooner you’re diagnosed, the sooner treatment can begin.
