大脑是an organ that’s made up of a large mass of nerve tissue that’s protected within the skull. It plays a role in just about every major body system.

Some of its main functions include:

  • 处理感官信息
  • regulating blood pressure and breathing
  • releasing hormones






  • Frontal lobes.这frontal lobes are the largest of the lobes. As indicated by their name, they’re located in the front part of the brain. They coordinates high-level behaviors, such as motor skills, problem-solving, judgment, planning, and attention. The frontal lobes also manage emotions, personality, and temper.
  • Parietal lobes.顶叶位于额叶叶后面。他们参与组织和解释大脑其他部位的感官信息。
  • 颞叶。这temporal lobes house the auditory cortex. They are located on either side of the head on the same level as the ears. They coordinate specific functions, including hearing, visual memory (such as facial recognition), verbal memory (such as understanding language), and interpreting the emotions and reactions of others.
  • Occipital lobes.枕叶位于大脑的背面。他们大量参与阅读和识别颜色和形状的能力。






这thalamus acts as a kind of relay station for signals coming into the brain. It’s also involved in alertness, pain sensations, and attention.

这上皮serves as a connection between the limbic system and other parts of the brain. The limbic system is a part of the brain that’s involved with emotion.

这hypothalamus processes information that comes from the autonomic nervous system. Its role includes controlling eating, sleeping, and sexual behavior. Some specific actions the hypothalamus is responsible for include:

  • 维持每日生理周期,例如睡眠效果周期
  • 控制食欲
  • regulating体温
  • controlling the production and release of hormones


这brain stem is located in front of the cerebellum and connects to the spinal cord. It’s responsible for passing messages to various parts of the body and the cerebral cortex. It consists of three major parts:

  • Midbrain.中脑有助于控制眼动,过程和听觉信息,调节运动运动,并参与唤醒和清醒。
  • 庞斯。这是脑干的最大部分。它位于中脑下方。这是一组神经,有助于连接大脑的不同部位。这庞斯还包含一些颅神经的开始。这些神经参与面部运动和传播感觉信息以及呼吸。
  • 延髓。medulla oblongata是大脑的最低部分。它充当脑干和脊髓之间的连接。它也充当心脏和肺功能的控制中心。它有助于调节许多重要功能,包括电动机和感觉功能,呼吸,打喷嚏和吞咽。

这re are hundreds of conditions that can affect the brain. Most of them fall within 1 of 5 main categories:

Learn more about the different types of brain conditions.


Brain injury symptoms

Brain injury symptoms depend on the type and severity of the injury. While they sometimes appear immediately after a traumatic event, they can also show up hours or days later.

General brain injury症状may include:

  • headache
  • nausea or vomiting
  • feeling confused or disoriented
  • dizziness
  • feeling tired or drowsy
  • 语音问题,包括诽谤
  • 睡觉或多或少比平时
  • dilation of one or both pupils
  • inappropriate emotional responses
  • 癫痫发作
  • sensory problems, such as blurry vision or a ringing in your ears
  • 难以记住事情或困难集中
  • 极端的情绪改变或异常行为



  • severe headache
  • loss of vision
  • inability to speak
  • inability to move or feel a part of the body
  • 下垂的脸
  • coma

Brain tumor symptoms

Brain tumor symptoms depend on the size, location, and type of tumor.

General brain tumor症状may include:

  • headache
  • nausea or vomiting
  • loss of motor coordination, such as trouble walking
  • feeling sleepy
  • feelings of weakness
  • appetite changes
  • convulsions or seizures
  • issues with your vision, hearing, or speech
  • difficulty concentrating
  • 极端情绪变化或行为改变

Neurodegenerative symptoms


General neurodegenerative症状include:

  • memory loss or forgetfulness
  • changes in mood, personality, or behavior
  • issues with motor coordination, such as difficulty walking or staying balanced
  • speech issues, such as slurring or hesitation before speaking

Psychological symptoms


Somegeneral symptoms of a mental health conditioninclude:

  • excessive feelings of fear, worry, or guilt
  • feeling sad or dejected
  • confusion
  • difficulty concentrating
  • low energy
  • 极端压力阻碍日常活动
  • extreme mood changes
  • withdrawal from loved ones or activities
  • 妄想或幻觉
  • suicidal ideation

Some brain conditions may be outside your control, like trauma to the brain or mental health issues.


Protect your head

Always wear a helmet when playing contact sports or riding a bike. Be sure to buckle up when you get in the car. Both of these can go a long way when it comes to avoiding brain injuries.


Doing regular cardio workouts stimulates blood flow throughout your body, including your brain. It can also improve brain health in a variety of ways ,,,,including:

  • improved emotional health
  • improved learning ability
  • reduced anxiety
  • 认知能力下降

Quit smoking

吸烟对你不太好overall health。That includes your brain: Smoking may lead to cognitive decline.

Listen to your thoughts

Try to check in from time to time with your thoughts or feelings. Keeping a diary is a good way to get into this habit. Look for any thought patterns or emotions that seem to be impacting your day-to-day life. They could be a sign of an underlying, treatable mental health condition.

Focus on a nutritious diet

What you eat can have a direct impact 关于大脑的健康,尤其是 as you age 。许多通常建议用于大脑健康的食物包括大量的蔬菜,水果,坚果,鱼,全谷物,橄榄油,偶尔还是葡萄酒。