Experiencing chest pain can be frightening, particularly if you don’t know what’s causing it. What does it mean if the chest pain comes and goes?

There are many possible causes of chest pain. Some of them are serious while others aren’t. Nevertheless, any chest pain should always be taken seriously.

Below we’ll explore some of the possible causes of chest pain that comes and goes, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and when to see a doctor.

The potential causes of chest pain aren’t limited to yourheart. They can include other parts of your body, such as yourlungs你的消化道也是如此。以下是一些条件可能会导致胸部疼痛来呈现。

Heart attack

Aheart attackhappens when the flow of blood to your heart tissue is blocked. This can be due to plaque buildup or a blood clot.

Symptoms of a heart attack vary by individual. Pain may be felt as mild discomfort or could be sudden and sharp.


Anginahappens when your heart tissue isn’t getting enoughblood. It can be a common symptom of心脏病. It can also be an indicator that you’re at risk of having a heart attack.

Angina often, but not always, occurs while you’re exerting yourself. You may also feel pain in your arms or back.


心包炎是围绕着你心脏的组织的炎症。它可能是由各种各样的东西引起的,包括感染,一个autoimmune condition, or a heart attack.

Pain from pericarditis may come on suddenly and may also be felt in the shoulders. It tends to get worse when you breathe or lie down.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

GERDis a condition in which stomach acid moves up into the食管, causing a burning sensation in the chest calledheartburn. Pain from GERD may feel worse after eating and while lying down.

Stomach ulcers

Astomach ulcer疼痛是在你胃的衬里形成的疼痛。由于a,它们可能发生bacterial infection要么due to use ofnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Stomach ulcers can cause pain anywhere between your breastbone and belly button. This pain may be worse on an empty stomach and may ease after eating.

Injury or strain

An injury or strain involving your chest may cause chest pain to occur. Injury can occur due to an accident or due to overuse.

Some possible causes include things like muscle strain or injured ribs. Pain may get worse when moving or stretching the affected area.


Pneumoniacauses inflammation of the air sacs within your lungs called alveoli. It’s caused by an infection.

Pain from pneumonia may get worse from coughing or breathing deeply. You may also experience fever, chills, and shortness of breath.


Pleurisyoccurs when the membranes that line your lungs within the chest cavity become swollen and inflamed. It can be caused by a variety of things, including infections, autoimmune conditions, orcancer.

Pain may feel worse when breathing deeply, coughing, or sneezing. You may also have a fever, shortness of breath, or chills.


Gallstonesare when digestive fluid hardens inside yourgallbladder, causing pain. You may feel gallstone pain in the right upper part of your abdomen, but it can also spread to the area of the shoulders or breastbone.

Panic attack

Apanic attackcan happen spontaneously or due to a stressful or frightening event. People having a panic attack may feel chest pain, which may be mistaken for a heart attack.


Costochondritisis when thecartilage将肋骨连接到胸前发炎。它可能是由伤害,感染或arthritis.

Pain from costochondritis occurs on the left side of the breastbone and can get worse when you breathe in deeply or cough.

Pulmonary embolism

Apulmonary embolismhappens when a blood clot that’s formed elsewhere in the body becomes lodged in the lungs. Pain can occur when breathing in deeply and may occur with shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate.

Pulmonary embolism is a medical emergency. If you think you’re experiencing these symptoms, seek immediate medical care.

Lung cancer

Chest pain is a common symptom oflung cancer. It’s often worse when coughing or breathing deeply. Other symptoms you may notice include things like a persistent cough, unexplained weight loss, and shortness of breath.

Is it a heart attack?

How can you tell if the pain you’re experiencing is a heart attack? In addition to chest pain, look for the following警告标志:

  • pain that spreads to the arms, neck, or back
  • 气促
  • 冷汗
  • feeling unusually fatigued or tired
  • nausea or vomiting
  • 头晕或壮丽

If you have chest pain and any of these symptoms call 911 immediately.

You should always seek emergency medical attention if you’re experiencing unexplained chest pain or believe that you may be having a heart attack. If you are having a heart attack, prompt treatment can save your life.

In order to diagnose your chest pain, your doctor will first take your medical history, perform a physical examination, and ask about your symptoms.

In some cases, the location of the pain can help give an idea of the potential cause. For example, pain on your left side could be related to your heart, your left lung, or due to costochondritis. Pain on the right side may be due to gallstones or your right lung.


  • blood tests, which can help to indicate a number of conditions, including heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or infection
  • imaging technology such as achest x-ray,CT scan, orMRI scanto visualize the tissues and organs of your chest
  • electrocardiogram (ECG), to examine the electrical activity of your heart
  • coronary要么pulmonary动脉血管造影,看在你心脏或肺s, respectively, have narrowed or become blocked
  • 超声心动图, which uses sound waves to make an image of your heart in action
  • 压力测试, to see how your heart responds to stress or exertion
  • endoscopy, to check for issues in the esophagus or stomach that may be related to GERD or stomach ulcers
  • 活检, which involves removing and examining a tissue sample

The way that chest pain is treated can depend on what’s causing it. Below are some examples of possible treatments:


药物可以用于治疗许多不同的泰pes of chest pain. Some examples include:

Procedures or surgeries

Sometimes one of the following procedures or surgeries may be necessary to treat your condition:

Lifestyle changes

These typically include things like dietary changes, increasing levels of physical activity, and quitting smoking.

Causes of chest pain can vary and as such, preventive measures can be diverse. Follow the tips below to help prevent some of the causes of chest pain:

If you have chest pain that comes and goes, you should be sure to see your doctor. It’s important that they evaluate and properly diagnose your condition so that you can receive treatment.

Remember that chest pain can also be a sign of a more serious condition like a heart attack. You should never hesitate to seek emergency medical attention for unexplained chest pain or if you think you’re having a heart attack.