An electrocardiogram is a simple, painless test that measures your heart’s electrical activity. It’s also known as an ECG or EKG. Every heartbeat is triggered by an electrical signal that starts at the top of your heart and travels to the bottom. Heart problems often affect the heart’s electrical activity.

Your doctor may recommend an EKG if you’re experiencing symptoms or signs that may suggest a心问题, 包含:

  • pain in your chest
  • 呼吸困难
  • 感到疲倦或弱
  • pounding, racing, or fluttering of your heart
  • 一种感觉,你的心脏不均匀地跳动
  • 当你的医生听你的心脏时,检测不寻常的声音

Measuring the electrical activity of the heart may help your doctor determine if chambers of the heart are possibly too large or overworked. In other cases, an EKG can help determine the cause of your symptoms along with what type of treatment might be necessary.

If you have afamily history of heart disease,您的医生也可能订购EKG以寻找心脏病的早期迹象。无论您的年龄,要注意哪些可能表明心脏问题并与医生谈论可能安排EKG的任何症状很重要。

An EKG records a picture of your heart’s electrical activity for the time that you’re being monitored. However, some heart problems come and go. In these cases, you may need longer or more specialized monitoring.

Stress test


Holter monitor

也称为动态心电图或EKG监视器,aHolter monitor在您维护您的活动日记时,将您的心脏的活动记录在24至48小时内或最多2周,以帮助您的医生确定您的症状的原因。电极连接到您的胸部记录信息,可在便携式电池供电的监视器上携带口袋,在腰带或肩带上。

Event recorder



A loop recorder is a device that is implanted in your body, under the skin of your chest. It functions as an electrocardiogram would but allows for continuous remote monitoring of your heart’s electrical signals. It’s looking for irregularities that can cause fainting or palpitations.





循环记录器s are often used without any negative effects and have gotten smaller and more efficient over time. As with any procedure like this one, there is the possibility of mild pain, slight bruising, or infection at the implantation location.

There are a few things to consider when preparing for an EKG, including:

  • 去除任何金属物体,如珠宝
  • 可能剃须胸毛
  • 在测试前避免饮用冷水
  • 在测试之前,没有锻炼或增加心率
  • 将房间保持在适度的温度以避免颤抖

Drinking cold water can cause changes in the electrical patterns that the test records, while exercising can increase your heart rate and affect the test results. Removing jewelry and shaving helps attach the electrodes more securely.

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  • 在更换为礼服之后,技术人员将大约10个软电极(约尺寸约为四分之一),凝胶到胸部,臂和腿部。这些电极连接到连接到EKG机器的电线上。
  • 如果没有剃刮电极的这些区域,技术人员可能会为您刮胡子。
  • 中the test, lie still on the table and breathe normally.
  • 在测试期间不要说话。
  • The machine will record your heart’s electrical activity and show results on a graph.
  • 一旦测试完成,电极被移除并丢弃。整个程序应该需要大约10分钟。

Typically, there is no immediate aftercare following an EKG test or immediate changes to diet or activities unless your doctor recommends otherwise. Results of the test are usually available immediately, and your doctor may go over them with you right away.

In some cases, the doctor may consult a cardiologist to review the results as well.



  • irregular heartbeat
  • 心脏缺陷,包括扩大的心脏,缺乏血液流动或出生缺陷
  • electrolyte problems, chamber dilation, chamber hypertrophy, or how electricity is moving through the heart
  • blocked arteries, or冠状动脉疾病

If the test shows signs of these abnormalities, your doctor will go over options to improve your heart’s condition. This may include prescribing medication or suggesting lifestyle changes such as modifying your diet or exercising more.