您的胆囊是一个位于右上腹的小器官,右下方。这是一个储存胆汁的袋子,一种绿色黄色液体,有助于消化。当某些东西阻挡它的胆管 - 就像胆结石时,通常会发生胆囊的问题。

Most gallstones are created when substances that are found in bile, like cholesterol, harden.

胆结石非常常见,常规无症状。但是,关于 10% 被诊断患有胆结石的人将在5年内培养明显的症状。

照片:Bruce Blaus |Wikimedia Commons |https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:gallstones.png


Pain caused by gallstone issues usually lasts for only a few hours, but it can feel severe.


  • 高温
  • 心跳加速
  • 黄色的皮肤和白人的白人(黄疸的)
  • 痒皮
  • 腹泻
  • chills
  • 困惑
  • 失去食欲

这些symptoms can be signs of a gallbladder infection, or inflammation of the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas.

Because gallstone symptoms may mimic the symptoms of other serious issues like阑尾炎胰腺炎,无论如何,如果您正在处理其中一个或多个问题 - 是时候去看医生或让自己到呃。


Gallstones themselves don’t cause pain. Rather, pain occurs when gallstones block the movement of bile from the gallbladder.


The actual cause of gallstones is thought to be due to a chemical imbalance of bile inside of the gallbladder. While researchers still aren’t clear about what exactly causes that imbalance to happen, there are a few possible reasons:




胆红素is a chemical produced during the normal breakdown of red blood cells. After it’s created, it passes through the liver and is eventually excreted out of the body.

Some conditions, such as liver damage and certain blood disorders, cause your liver to produce more bilirubin than it should. Pigment gallstones form when your gallbladder can’t break down the excess bilirubin. These hard stones are often dark brown or black.


您的胆囊needs to be able to empty its bile to function properly. If it fails to empty its bile content, the bile becomes overly concentrated, which can cause stones to form.


If you’re at high risk for surgery complications, there are a few nonsurgical ways to attempt to treat gallstones. However, if surgery isn’t performed, your gallstones may come back — even with additional treatment. This means you may need to keep an eye on your condition for the majority of your life.


胆囊切除术,即手术以除去胆囊,是 one of the most common operations 对美国的成年人进行。因为胆囊不是一个重要的器官,因为没有它,有可能过健康的生活。


  • 腹腔镜胆囊切除术。这是一个需要全身麻醉的常见手术。外科医生通常会在腹部制作三个或四个切口。然后,他们将将一个小型的点亮设备插入其中一个切口,检查石头,并小心地取出胆囊。您通常可以在程序的当天回家,或者如果您没有并发症的那一天。
  • 开放的胆囊切除术。当胆囊发炎,感染或疤痕时,通常进行这种手术。如果在腹腔镜胆囊切除术期间发生问题,也可能发生这种手术。




  • 口服溶解治疗通常包括使用药物Ursodiol.(Actigall)和Chenodiol(Chenix)分解胆结石。这些药物含有胆汁酸,这是为了分解石头。这种治疗最适合分解胆固醇的石头,并且可能需要多个月或多年才能完全工作。
  • 冲击波碎石尺寸是另一种选择。碎石鞋是一种机器,产生通过一个人的冲击波。这些冲击波可以打破胆结石进入较小的碎片。
  • 经皮的胆囊引流involves placing a sterile needle into the gallbladder to aspirate (draw out) bile. A tube is then inserted to help with additional drainage. This procedure isn’t typically a first line of defense and tends to be an option for individuals who may not be suited for other procedures.

一些胆结石di相关的危险因素et, while other factors are not as controllable. Uncontrollable risk factors are things like age, race, sex, and family history.


  • 和...一起生活obesity
  • 脂肪或胆固醇中的饮食和纤维低
  • 正在进行快速减肥
  • 用2型糖尿病生活


  • 出生的女性
  • being of Native American or Mexican descent
  • 拥有胆结石的家族史
  • being 60 years or older


  • 和...一起生活肝硬化
  • being pregnant
  • taking certain medications to lower cholesterol
  • 服用具有高雌激素含量的药物(如某些避孕药)

While some medications may increase your risk of gallstones, don’t stop taking them unless you have discussed it with your doctor and have their approval.



  • 超声波。一个超声生成腹部的图像。确认你有胆结石病的首选成像方法。它还可以显示与急性胆囊炎相关的异常。
  • 腹部CT扫描。成像测试拍摄肝脏和腹部地区的照片。
  • 胆囊放射性核素扫描。重要扫描takes about one hour to complete. A specialist injects a radioactive substance into your veins. The substance travels through your blood to the liver and gallbladder. On a scan, it can reveal evidence to suggest infection or blockage of the bile ducts from stones.
  • Blood tests.你的医生可以订购血液测试测量血液中胆红素的量。测试还有助于确定您的肝脏功能如何运行。


  • 少吃精制的碳水化合物(如饼干和白面包)和较少的糖。
  • 增加你的摄入量健康的脂肪, 喜欢鱼油和橄榄油,可以通过定期帮助您的胆囊合同并清空。
  • 适当量的纤维每天(女性需要每天约25克,男人每天需要大约38克)。
  • Get some sort of physical activity every day.
  • Keep yourself properly hydrated.

If you plan to lose weight, do it slowly. Rapid weight loss may increase your risk of gallstones and other health problems.


  • fatty meat, like sausage and bacon
  • 蛋糕和饼干
  • lard and cream
  • certain cheeses


If your doctor has diagnosed you with gallstones and decides you need surgery to remove them or your gallbladder, the outlook is often positive. In most cases of stone removal, stones don’t return.

