What is heart angioplasty and stent placement?



The procedure is commonly done when a fatty substance known as plaque attaches to the walls of an artery. This is a condition known asatherosclerosis. The buildup of plaque causes the inside of the artery to narrow, restricting blood flow.

当斑块影响冠状动脉,known ascoronary heart disease— a serious health condition. The buildup of plaque in the arteries is particularly threatening to your health because the coronary arteries supply the heart with fresh, oxygenated blood. Without it, the heart can’t function.

血管成形术和支架放置可以减轻动脉和动脉堵塞angina, orpersistent chest pain, that medications can’t control. They’re also emergency procedures used if someone is having a heart attack.

血管成形术和支架无法帮助某些条件。例如,当心脏左侧的主动脉经历堵塞时,冠状动脉旁路手术可能是更好的选择。医生也可能考虑coronary bypass surgery如果患者在多个动脉中遭受堵塞或患有糖尿病。

Any surgical procedure carries risks. There’s an increased risk of adverse effects in angioplasty with stent placement because the procedure deals with arteries of the heart.

The risks associated with the procedure include:

  • an allergic reaction to medication or dye
  • 呼吸问题
  • bleeding
  • a blockage of the stented artery
  • a blood clot
  • 心脏病
  • 感染
  • re-narrowing of the artery

Rare side effects include stroke and seizure.

More often than not, the risks of not going through the procedure outweigh the risks associated with angioplasty with stent placement.

If you need to undergo angioplasty with stent placement in your coronary arteries because of an emergency event, such as a heart attack due to coronary artery disease, you’ll have little time to prepare.


  • 告诉你的医生你正在服用什么药物,草药或补充剂。
  • 停止服用任何毒品,使您的血液更加困难,例如阿司匹林,氯吡格雷(Plavix),布洛芬(Advil),萘普生(Aleve,Naprosyn)和其他药物,您的医生告诉您停止服用。
  • If you smoke, quit smoking.
  • 告诉你的医生对你所拥有的任何疾病,甚至是一种常见的感冒或流感。
  • Take any medications your doctor prescribes for you.
  • Arrive at the hospital with plenty of time to prepare for surgery.
  • 跟随你的医生或外科医生给你的任何指示。

You’ll receive numbing medicine at the site of the incision. You’ll also get medication through your veins using an IV. The medicine will help you relax during the procedure.

Angioplasty with stent placement is a minimally invasive procedure. The following steps occur during this procedure:

  1. Your cardiologist will make a small incision in your groin to access an artery.
  2. Your cardiologist will insert a thin, flexible tube known as a catheter through that incision.
  3. They’ll then guide the catheter up through your body to your coronary arteries. This will allow them to view your arteries using a type of X-ray called fluoroscopy. A special dye can also guide them.
  4. 您的心脏病学家将通过导管通过一条小线。然后将第二导管沿导线跟随导线。该导管具有一个小气球。
  5. Once the balloon reaches the blocked artery, your cardiologist will inflate it.
  6. 您的心脏病学家将与气球同时插入支架,使动脉保持开放和血流以返回。一旦支架是安全的,你的心脏病医生将移除导管并留下支架,以便血液可以继续流动。

Some stents are coated in medication that slowly releases into the artery. These are called “洗脱支架(DES)。“这些支架有助于对抗纤维化,是防止受影响动脉关闭的组织的堆积。还使用裸金属支架,或者没有涂上药物的那些。



