What is unstable angina?

心绞痛是心脏方面的胸痛的另一个词n. You may also feel pain in other parts of your body, such as:

  • 肩膀
  • 脖子
  • back
  • arms


There are two types of angina: stable and unstable.


Unstable angina is chest pain that occurs at rest or with exertion or stress. The pain worsens in frequency and severity. Unstable angina means that blockages in the arteries supplying your heart with blood and oxygen have reached a critical level.

对不稳定的心绞痛的攻击是紧急情况,您应该寻求立即的医疗。如果留下未经处理的,不稳定的心绞痛会导致heart attackheart failure, 或者arrhythmias(不规则的心律)。这些可能是危及生命的条件。

The principal cause of unstable angina is冠状动脉心脏疾病caused by a buildup of plaque along the walls of your arteries. The plaque causes your arteries to narrow and become rigid. This reduces the blood flow to your heart muscle. When the heart muscle doesn’t have enough blood and oxygen, you feel chest pain.

风险因素for coronary heart disease include:


The main symptom of angina is chest discomfort or pain. The sensation can vary depending on the person.


  • chest pain that feels crushing, pressure-like, squeezing, or sharp
  • 辐射到上肢的疼痛(通常在左侧)或背部
  • nausea
  • anxiety
  • sweating
  • shortness of breath
  • 头晕
  • unexplained fatigue


You doctor will perform a physical exam that includes checking your blood pressure. They may use other tests to confirm unstable angina, such as:

  • blood tests, to check forcreatine kinase如果受到损坏,那么从心脏肌肉泄漏的心脏生物标志物(肌钙蛋白)
  • 心电图那to see patterns in your heartbeats that may indicate reduced blood flow
  • echocardiography那to produce images of your heart that reveal evidence of blood flow problems
  • 压力测试,让你的心脏更加努力地工作,使心绞痛更容易检测
  • 计算断层扫描血管造影
  • 冠状动脉血管造影和心脏导管,研究动脉的健康和口径

Because coronary血管造影帮助您的医生可视化任何动脉缩小和堵塞,这是他们用于诊断不稳定的心绞痛的最常见的测试之一。



您的医生可能推荐的第一次治疗之一是血液稀释剂,如阿司匹林,肝素或clopidogrel。When your blood isn’t as thick, it can flow more freely through your arteries.

may use other medications to reduce angina symptoms, including drugs that reduce:

  • 血压
  • cholesterol levels
  • anxiety
  • 心律失常症状






All of these changes can lessen your chance of an angina attack and reduce your risk of heart attack. Talk to your doctor about appropriate changes to your lifestyle, including a healthy diet and exercise routine.

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Nonmedical self-care options include taking steps to lose weight, giving up tobacco use, and exercising more regularly. Working toward a healthier lifestyle can improve your heart health and reduce your risk of future unstable angina episodes.