Pleurisy (also called pleuritis) is an inflammation of the pleura, which is the tissue that protects and cushions the lungs. It can 展示 with pleuritic pain and may be caused by different types of inflammation or infection.


主要症状 associated with pleurisy is a sharp, stabbing pain when you breathe. This pain might go away when you hold your breath or put pressure on the painful area.

However, the pain will often get worse when you喷嚏,咳嗽, or move.Fever,chills, and loss of appetite are also possible symptoms, depending on the condition that’s causing the pleurisy.

You may experience pleurisy with:

  • 胸部一侧疼痛
  • pain in your shoulders and back
  • shallow breathing to avoid feeling pain

当胸膜伴随着pleural effusion,流体堆积将对肺部压力压力,使它们停止正常工作。随着流体的增加,您最终可能会经历呼吸急促。您也可能会经历发烧,寒意或干咳。这些症状可以表明液体中的感染empyema.

A variety of conditions can cause pleuritic inflammation and pain, though the most common causes are tuberculosis and other bacterial infections.

其他原因 include :

  • cancerous tumors such as mesothelioma, pleural lymphoma, angiosarcoma of the pleura, pleuropulmonary blastoma, and synovial sarcoma
  • 创伤到胸部
  • thoracic endometriosis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • 气胸
  • aortic dissection
  • 肺炎
  • 急性心包炎
  • 病毒such as流感,腮腺炎,腺病毒,细胞病毒,埃斯坦伊氏病毒病毒,Coxsackeiguses和呼吸合胞病毒
  • 家庭地中海热
  • pulmonary embolism
  • 狼疮

If you have pleural effusion, you may need to have a thoracentesis, which is a procedure that删除流体,血液或空气从胸腔空间用针头。医生可以发送流体进行分析,以帮助识别潜在的原因。

If you’re only experiencing pleuritic pain without an indication for effusion, your doctor will conduct a physical exam and may send you to undergo other types of testing to 决定 the underlying cause of your symptoms. The doctor will try to rule out life threatening conditions before moving on to less serious potential causes.

Depending on the suspected cause, your diagnosis process may包括:

  • Chest X-ray.Chest X-rayswill allow your doctor to see if there’s any inflammation in your lungs, fluid indicative of effusion, or causes such as an injury, a tumor, or pneumonia.
  • Blood tests.血液测试可以帮助您的医生诊断细菌或病毒感染,风湿热,狼疮或肺栓塞等原因。
  • CT和MRI扫描。CT或MRI扫描还可以显示肺部的液体,其表明积液或帮助识别肺炎,肿瘤或肺脓肿等原因。
  • 超声波。If a doctor suspects that in addition to pleuritic pain you have pleural effusion, they can do an超声看看液体位于胸前的位置。
  • 动脉血气测试。该测试可以帮助医生通过测量肺部吸收氧气并吹掉二氧化碳,确定肺部是否存在问题。

如果您正在经历胸膜炎疼痛,您可以接受阿司匹林(拜耳),布洛芬(Advil)等的反击药物,或其他非甾体抗炎药for relief. People who不能tolerate these medicines may be candidates for treatment with corticosteroids, assuming there is no active infection or contraindications.

However, to actually make pleurisy go away, the doctor must treat the underlying cause. Depending on the suspected cause, treatment may include :

  • 细菌感染的抗生素
  • 抗炎或生物药物,适用于Systemic狼疮(SLE)和类风湿性关节炎等疾病
  • anticoagulants as part of the treatment when the cause is a pulmonary embolism
  • 脓液(脓胸)的手术(肺部肺部(胸腔积液)的个体可能必须留在医院drain tube在胸前,直到液体充分排出。)
  • 氧气治疗肺炎
  • 患有寄生虫引起的肺炎的抗遗养药物,虽然这一原因很少见


If you are planning to undergo a thoracentesis, ask if the technician 计划使用 an ultrasound to guide them during the procedure. If not, then you’re more at risk for some pain following the procedure, as they have a greater chance of nicking your tissue along the way.


Since so many different conditions can cause pleurisy, the best prevention strategy 涉及 密切监测您的健康并进行及时检查。


You should also never ignore any cardiac symptoms or injuries to the chest area. If you smoke, working toward戒烟can be another major prevention strategy.


因为有多种原因可以勒ad to pleurisy, the outlook depends on the underlying cause. The best course of action is to see your doctor so that they can identify the cause quickly and rule out anything that may be life-threatening. Your treatment will depend on the cause of your symptoms.
