
An angiography, sometimes called an arteriography, is a test doctors use to see your arteries. To perform this procedure, you will receive an injection of a contrast dye, which will then allow your arteries to show up in an X-ray.


Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. You will likely need to fast for six to eight hours before the test to avoid vomiting or feeling nauseous during the procedure.

Provide your doctor with any important medical information, such as telling them you are pregnant, as X-rays can be harmful to the fetus. You should also let your doctor know about any medications you are taking or any known allergies.

You will receive an intravenous sedative to help you relax during the procedure.

Your doctor will insert a tube, called a catheter, into one of your veins. This is typically done through the vein in your groin and advanced up to the vessels in your lungs. When the catheter is in place, pressure measurements will be taken and your doctor will inject the contrast dye for better visualization of your anatomy.

Your doctor will then take X-ray images of your chest. These images show the paths and progress of the dye and helps them to figure out if you have a blockage or another problem in your arteries.

Most commonly, your doctor will perform a pulmonary angiography if they suspect a blockage in your pulmonary, or lung, vessels.


在许多情况下,您的医生可能会选择使用CT血管造影而不是肺部血管造影。根据Johns Hopkins Medicine与罕见的肺部血管造影相比,今天的CT血管造影更多。


Serious complications from this procedure are rare, but include bleeding, infection, and puncture of the lung vessels. If you are pregnant, radiation involved with the X-rays in this treatment may carry some risk for your fetus. Discuss this with your doctor before your procedure.

Some people may have an allergic reaction or decreased kidney function from the dye, and this may be more of an issue if you’re taking certain medications. Make sure to discuss with your doctor all of the medications you’re taking prior to this procedure.

Other risks are related to the catheter. Your nerves or blood vessels may be injured as the catheter is inserted, but rarely can the catheter cause a disturbance in the rhythm of your heart.

Your doctor will be aware of these risks and will be ready to treat them if they occur.
