



玻璃罐中的生fonio 在Pinterest上分享

In some parts of West Africa, fonio holds sociocultural significance.

在塞内加尔,布基纳法索,马里和多哥,传统上是为酋长和皇室保留的,在斋月的穆斯林圣月期间或在婚礼和洗礼等庆祝活动中享受( 2 )。

In some parts of Togo, fonio is used to prevent blood clotting after childbirth and刺激牛奶生产in breastfeeding people ( 2 )。

As a staple food, it plays a vital role in ensuring food security, especially during the post-harvest period when food is scarce. It can be harvested within 6–8 weeks and stores well without the risk of pest infestation (1, 2 )。

Fonio grows well in drought conditions and poor soils without the need for fertilizers or other implements (1,3)。


尽管具有丰富的文化遗产和营养特征,但Fonio仍被认为是被忽视和未充分利用的农作物(NUC)(NUC)(NUC)(NUC)(NUC)(1, 4 )。

有时被称为“丢失的农作物”,“次要作物”或“孤儿作物”,NUCS尚未得到彻底研究,被糟糕的使用不足,并且在很大程度上由小农场种植(1,3, 4 )。

然而,这种潮流正在改变。如今,Fonio被列为西非的优先农作物。由于其营养和环境特性及其饮食多样化的潜力,可以在世界各地的特种食品过道和商店中找到( 5 )。

Furthermore, fonio has become an important source of income for smallholder farmers in West Africa (3)。


Fonio is a culturally significant grain in numerous West African countries, as it’s often used in various ceremonies. Although it’s highly cultivatable, it has historically been poorly utilized and understudied.

A member of the小米家庭,Fonio分为两种主要类型(1):

  • Digitaria iburua。This white grain has black or brown spikelets and grows mainly in parts of Nigeria, Togo, and Benin.
  • Digitaria Exilis。这种白谷物从塞内加尔到乍得以及尼日利亚中部生长。这是两个品种中最常见的食用,并且在非洲以外更容易获得。

Fonio的两种主要类型是Digitaria iburuaDigitaria Exilis, the latter of which is most commonly found outside Africa.

除了天然低的胆固醇,钠和脂肪外,煮熟的1/4杯(45克)(煮熟的1/2杯)提供(煮熟的1/2杯) 2 , 6 ):

  • 卡路里:170
  • 蛋白质:2克
  • 糖:0 grams
  • Fat:0.5克
  • Carbs:39克
  • 纤维:每日价值的4%(DV)
  • Iron:4% of the DV

Fonio是一个很好的来源B维生素, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, which are necessary for the growth, development, and function of cells, as well as energy production ( 7 , 8 , 9 )。

联合国食品和农业组织(FAO)认为,Fonio在所有谷物中的钙含量最高。对于那些不食用乳制品的人来说,这可能是一个不错的选择,例如素食主义者或乳糖不耐症的人( 2 ,10)。

Fonio也提供, copper, zinc, and magnesium ( 4 )。

铁和铜有助于形成红细胞,结缔组织和血细胞,而锌在免疫功能,蛋白质合成以及细胞生长和分裂中起作用。镁有助于许多生化反应,是能源生产所必需的( 11 , 12 , 13 )。



Although fonio has existed for over 5,000 years, scientific research on this grain is lacking (1)。

一些研究表明,气候,土壤状况和农业实践可能会影响非洲特定植物食品的养分含量( 14 )。

Great source of plant-based amino acids

Fonio is a good addition to the diets of people who don’t eat enough animal or protein-based foods.

尽管其蛋白质成分与白米相当,但Fonio含有明显更高的含硫氨基酸蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸的含量。这两种氨基酸都缺乏玉米,小麦,大米,高粱和大麦( 5 )。


Cysteine is a non-essential amino acid that’s necessary for protein synthesis and detoxification. It also plays a role in the formation of the amino acid牛磺酸(16)。

除赖氨酸外,典型的Fonio可能满足大约10%的每日必需氨基酸需求( 14 )。



全谷物可以帮助体重管理和肠道健康。它们还与大量健康益处有关,包括降低2型糖尿病风险,心脏疾病, and colorectal, pancreatic, and stomach cancer ( 17 )。

与在加工过程中去除菌和麸皮的精制晶粒不同,全谷类包括内核的所有三个部分 - 麸皮,胚乳和细菌。


美国农业部(USDA)建议整个谷物占您日常谷物摄入量的一半。在饮食中包括1/4杯(45克)干fonio可以帮助您实现该目标( 19 )。



Gluten-sensitive individuals may experience abdominal discomfort and tiredness when they eat foods that contain gluten — a group of proteins found in wheat, barley, and rye ( 20 )。

Among those with腹腔疾病,面筋表现出与麸质敏感性相同的症状,但也会损害小肠( 20 )。


Fonio contains抗性淀粉, which resists digestion and absorption in your small intestine ( 5 )。

Resistant starches have many health benefits and may play a role in increasing insulin sensitivity andlowering blood sugar levels( 21 )。

Furthermore, this grain has a low glycemic index (GI) score, meaning that it doesn’t quickly raise your blood sugar levels. For this reason, it may help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar ( 5 )。




In West Africa, fonio is traditionally cooked as库斯库斯,制成粥,并将其包括在当地饮料中。像其他谷物一样,它可以磨成面粉并用于烘焙食品,例如面包,饼干和蛋糕(22)。

In the kitchen, it’s so quick and simple to make that the Bambara people of Mali say that fonio never embarrasses the cook.


  • Substitute fonio for any grain, including rice, couscous, millet,sorghum,藜麦和大麦。
  • Use it in porridge in the same manner in which you’d use oats.
  • Add it to soups and stews.
  • 在沙拉中撒上。
  • 在面包,饼干,蛋糕和酒吧等烘焙产品中使用Fonio面粉。

How to make fonio

  1. 将1杯(240毫升)的水快速煮沸。
  2. Add salt to taste.
  3. Add 1/4 cup (45 grams) of dry fonio, stir lightly, and cover.
  4. Turn the heat to low and cook it until all the liquid is absorbed.
  5. Turn the heat off and fluff the fonio with a fork.
  6. If the dish remains soggy, steam it further.

Fonio是一个多才多艺的粮食that’s often cooked like couscous or porridge. It’s also available as a flour that you can use in baked goods.



使用Fonio的食谱包括非洲花生酱中的埃塞俄比亚红薯炸玉米饼,芒果Fonio沙拉和Fonio Balls。

Fonio是非洲遗产谷物,也称为ancient grain, that’s mostly consumed in West African countries.

It’s naturally gluten-free and offers a robustamino acid profile,以及其他潜在的健康益处,例如改善血糖管理。
