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B维生素是a group of nutrients that play many important roles in your body.

Most people get the recommended amounts of these vitamins through diet alone since they are found in a wide variety of foods.

However, factors like age, pregnancy, dietary choices, medical conditions, genetics, medication and alcohol use increase the body’s demand for B vitamins.


Nutritional supplements that contain all eight B vitamins are referred to as B-complex vitamins.

Here are the health benefits of B-complex vitamins as well as dosage recommendations and potential side effects.

B-complex supplements usually pack all eight B vitamins into one pill.




  • B1 (thiamine):Thiamine plays an essential role in metabolism by helping convert nutrients into energy. The richest food sources include pork, sunflower seeds and wheat germ ( 1 ).
  • B2(核黄莲):Riboflavin helps convert food into energy and also acts as an antioxidant. Foods highest in riboflavin include organ meats, beef and mushrooms ( 2 ).
  • B3 (niacin):烟酸在细胞信号,代谢和DNA生产和修复中起着作用。食物来源包括鸡,金枪鱼和扁豆( 3. ).
  • B5 (pantothenic acid):Like other B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps your body obtain energy from food and is also involved in hormone and cholesterol production. Liver, fish, yogurt and avocado are all good sources (4.).
  • B6(吡哆醇):Pyridoxine is involved in amino acid metabolism, red blood cell production and the creation of neurotransmitters. Foods highest in this vitamin include chickpeas, salmon and potatoes (5.).
  • B7(生物素):Biotin is essential for carbohydrate and fat metabolism and regulates gene expression. Yeast, eggs, salmon, cheese and liver are among the best food sources of biotin ( 6. ).
  • B9(叶酸):Folate需要进行细胞生长,氨基酸代谢,形成红色和白细胞和适当的细胞分裂。它可以在食材植物,肝脏和豆类等食物中找到或补充剂作为叶酸( 7. ).
  • B12 (cobalamin):也许是最着名的所有B族维生素,B12对神经功能,DNA生产和红细胞发育至关重要。B12天然在肉类等动物来源中发现,eggs那seafood and dairy ( 8. ).

虽然这些维生素有一些相同的特点那they all have unique functions and are needed in different amounts.



Since B vitamins are found in many foods, you are most likely not at risk of developing a deficiency as long as you follow a well-rounded diet.

However, certain circumstances increase the need for B vitamins, making supplements necessary.


怀孕期间,对B维生素,特别是B12和叶酸的需求,增长以支持胎儿发育( 9. ).

In women who arepregnant或母乳喂养,特别是那些遵循素食或素食饮食的人,补充B-复合维生素是至关重要的。

B12 or folate deficiency in pregnant or breastfeeding women can lead to severe neurological damage or birth defects in the fetus or infant ( 10. ).

Older Adults

As you age, your ability to absorb vitamin B12 decreases and your appetite declines, making it difficult for some people to get enough B12 through diet alone.

The body’s ability to release B12 from food so that it can be absorbed depends on adequate amounts of stomach acid.

然而,估计,10-30%的人超过50人不会产生足够的胃酸来适当吸收B12( 11. ).

缺乏B12与老年人的抑郁症和情绪紊乱的速度提高( 12. 13. ).

Deficiencies in vitamin B6 and folate are also common in the elderly population ( 14. 15. ).


People with certain medical conditions, such as celiac disease, cancer, Crohn’s disease, alcoholism, hypothyroidism and anorexia, are more susceptible to developing nutrient deficiencies, including B vitamins ( 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ).

Additionally, the MTHFR genetic mutation can affect how your body metabolizes folate and can lead to a folate deficiency and other health issues ( 21. ).

What’s more, people who have undergone certain weight-loss surgeries are also more likely to be deficient in B vitamins ( 22. ).

In these circumstances, patients are often advised to supplement with a B-complex vitamin to correct or avoid deficiencies.


Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products like meat, dairy, eggs and seafood.

如果通过强化食品或补充剂( 23. ).


People Taking Certain Medications

Commonly prescribed medications can lead to a deficiency in B vitamins.

For example, proton pump inhibitors, which are medications that lower stomach acid, can decrease the absorption of B12, while metformin, a popular diabetes drug, can decrease levels of both B12 and folate ( 24. 25. ).

Birth control pills can also deplete several B vitamins, including B6, B12, folate and riboflavin ( 26. ).



While certain conditions make it necessary for some people to supplement with B-complex vitamins, research has shown that taking a B-complex supplement may be helpful even for people who don’t have an increased need for these nutrients.

May Reduce Stress and Boost Mood



A 33-day study in 215 healthy men found that treatment with a high-dose B-complex and mineral supplement improved general mental health and stress and enhanced performance on cognitive tests ( 27. ).

Another study in young adults showed that supplementing with a multivitamin containing high levels of B-complex vitamins for 90 days reduced stress and mental fatigue ( 28. ).



60名患有抑郁症的成人的研究表明,与安慰剂( 29. ).


一项研究发现,与安慰剂相比( 30. ).

Note that low blood levels of certain B vitamins, including B12, B6 and folate, have been linked to an increased risk of depression, which is why it’s important to rule out nutrient deficiencies if you are experiencing symptoms of depression ( 31. 32. ).


B-complex supplements may relieve stress, boost cognitive performance and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, even in people without B vitamin deficiencies.

Each B vitamin has a specific recommended daily amount that varies depending on gender, age and other variables like pregnancy.

For women and men, the recommended daily intake (RDI) for B vitamins are as follows:

Women Men
B1(硫胺素) 1。1mg 1。2mg
B2(核黄素) 1。1mg 1.3毫克
B3 (Niacin) 14毫克 16.mg
B5(泛酸) 5毫克(RDI未建立;提供足够的摄入量,或提供AI) 5毫克(AI)
B6 (Pyridoxine) 1.3毫克 1.3毫克
B7(生物素) 30麦格(AI) 30麦格(AI)
B9(叶酸) 4.00 mcg 4.00 mcg
B12 (Cobalamin) 2.4 mcg. 2.4 mcg.

Pregnant and lactating women need higher amounts of B vitamins, while infants and children need less ( 33. ).

If you are deficient in B vitamins, you may need to supplement with higher doses to correct the deficiency.

For these reasons, it’s important to choose a B-complex supplement based on your individual requirements for each B vitamin.



Recommended intake for B vitamins varies depending on age, nutrient demands, gender and health status.

Since B vitamins are water-soluble, it’s unlikely that you will consume too much of these nutrients through diet alone or by taking a B-complex supplement as directed.

However, taking supplements that contain excessively high and unnecessary quantities of B-complex vitamins could lead to serious side effects.

High doses of supplemental B3 (niacin) may lead to vomiting, high blood sugar levels, skin flushing and even liver damage ( 34. ).

Additionally, high doses of B6 can cause nerve damage, light sensitivity and painful skin lesions ( 35 ).

Another side effect of B-complex supplements is that it can turn urine bright yellow.

Although discolored urine can be shocking, it’s not dangerous but simply your body getting rid of excess vitamins that it can’t use.

If you need to take a B-complex supplement, always choose reputable brands that volunteer to have their products independently tested by organizations like the US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP).



Pregnant women, older adults, vegans and those with certain medical conditions may benefit from taking a B-complex supplement.



If you aren’t sure if taking a B-complex supplement will benefit your health, speak with your doctor to help you determine if it’s the right choice for you.

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