虽然并非每个人都熟悉高粱,但谷物谷物has been around for centuries. Sorghum belongs to the grass family肉毒科。它很小,圆形,通常是白色或浅黄色 - 尽管有些品种是红色,棕色,黑色或紫色的。

Sorghum is the fifth most produced cereal crop in the world (1)。它很丰富natural nutrients和easy to add to your diet, but its merits don’t stop there. It’s also widely used as animal feed, and as a natural and cost-effective fuel source.

你可以像藜麦或者白饭,,,,mill it into flour, or pop it likepopcorn。It’s also converted into a syrup that’s used to sweeten many processed foods.

There are a lot of对健康的益处to eating whole grains like sorghum. This article covers the nutritional benefits and many uses of this very versatile grain.


Sorghum is a cereal grain that’s widely produced around the world. Its whole grain is commonly used in baking, while its syrup is used as a sweetener. Finally, it’s used as a natural fuel source.

Sorghum comes in a few types, each of which has different uses. Grain sorghum is a grass that’s used to feed livestock and is made into flour for the food we eat. It comes in white, tan, orange, red, bronze, and black varieties.


Onyx sorghum is a newer variety developed by researchers at Texas A&M University. The composition is related to ancient black and high-tannin sorghum varieties, and it’s designed to be super high in抗氧化剂

These types of sorghum are used in recipes:

  • 全谷物高粱包括整个谷物,所有三个部分 - 麸皮,胚乳和细菌完整。您可以将整个谷物煮沸或蒸,然后将其加入沙拉,配菜和pilafs中。
  • 珍珠谷物高粱is stripped of its bran and some of its germ. It’s softer than the whole grain variety, and it goes well in soups.
  • 高粱糖浆comes from the stalks of sweet sorghum. It’s anatural sweetener用于烘焙食品和其他甜点。
  • 弹出高粱比爆米花更小,更甜美,营养丰富。它的卡路里和脂肪也更少。但是像爆米花一样,您可以在微波炉或炉子上弹出。


Sorghum is an underrated, nutrient-rich cereal grain. Half a cup of uncooked sorghum (100 grams) provides ( 3 ):

  • 卡路里:329
  • 蛋白质:11克
  • 胖的:3克
  • 碳水化合物:72grams
  • Fiber:7克


  • 维生素B1(硫胺素)
  • 维生素B6
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • zinc



它也是镁的丰富来源,这对于骨形成很重要,heart health,您体内的600多种生化反应,例如能量生产和蛋白质代谢( 4 )。

In addition, sorghum is high in抗氧化剂像类黄酮,酚酸和单宁一样。吃富含这些抗氧化剂的饮食会降低体内氧化应激和炎症(5)。

更重要的是,半杯高粱可提供7克以上的纤维,约占建议的每日纤维摄入量的25%( 3 ,,,,6)。富含纤维的饮食有助于管理体重,lower cholesterol,稳定blood sugar levels,并预防constipation

最后,这种谷物是plant-based protein。实际上,它提供的蛋白质与藜麦,,,,a cereal grain renowned for its high protein content.



Gluten is a group of proteins found in certain grains that gives food products a stretchy quality and structure.

With more people avoiding gluten for health reasons likeceliac disease或者non-celiac gluten sensitivity, the demand for gluten-free products is on the rise ( 7 ,,,,8)。Sorghum can be a good alternative to gluten-containing grains like wheat if you’re following或其他grain-free diet

对于那些寻找一个gluten-free grain,高粱是一个超级健康的选择。您可以在面包,饼干或其他甜点等烘焙产品中用高粱代替含麸质的面粉。整个谷物也可以用作丰盛的配菜。

That said, sorghum products may be made in facilities that produce gluten-containing products. Be sure to check the label to ensure they’re made in a gluten-free facility.


An increasing number of people can’t eat gluten because of disorders or sensitivity. Sorghum is naturally gluten-free, making it a good option if you’re avoiding gluten.


Both sorghum syrup and molasses are members of the肉毒科草一家,但前者来自高粱植物的果汁,而后者则来自sugarcane


If you find it too sweet, use slightly less or add more liquid. But considering that many people may be consuming糖太多,,,,it’s worth consuming high sugar products in moderation ( 10 )。


The color and consistency of sorghum syrup are similar to those of molasses. The syrup is made from the juice of sorghum, while molasses comes from sugarcane. You can usually replace molasses with sorghum syrup at a 1:1 ratio.

Sorghum is versatile and easy to add to a number of recipes.


  • 更换大米或藜麦。You can cook whole grain and pearled sorghum much like you’d cook米饭和藜麦
  • 磨粉。由于其中性风味和浅色,它可以用作gluten-free flour在大多数食谱中。只需以1:1的比例交换。
  • Popped.将谷物添加到加热的锅中,看着它们像爆米花一样弹出。添加调味料以获得额外的风味。
  • Flaked.类似于其他谷物谷物燕麦,紫红色的高粱是谷物和烘焙产品的美味,例如granola bars和饼干。
  • 糖浆。高粱糖浆通常被添加到加工食品中,作为天然甜味剂或糖蜜的替代品。

You can purchase sorghum online or at bulk food stores.




它很丰富vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. It’s also an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and protein.

更重要的是,在大多数食谱中,用整个高粱替换大米或藜麦很容易。为一个nutritious snack,尝试在炉灶上弹出整个谷物以制成爆米花。最后,将高粱粉作为其他类型面粉的无麸质替代品。



After you boil sorghum, save the water. You can substitute it for chicken, vegetable, or beef stock in recipes.