
If you can’t feel as well, especially with your hands or feet, it’s known as impaired sensation. If you have impaired sensation, you may not feel anything at all. Or you may feel unusual sensations, such as:

  • numbness
  • 刺痛
  • 弱点
  • pain

Impaired sensation can lead to injury and balance problems.

It can be a temporary occurrence that takes place after an injury or a chronic condition that results from diabetes or another illness. Sudden impaired sensation can be a medical emergency.

If you’ve ever crossed your legs and had one of them go numb, you’ve experienced impaired sensation. While this feeling may go away within a few minutes, impaired sensation that’s caused by other conditions may not.

Impaired sensation can result from a variety of conditions, such as:

Sudden loss of sensation can be a medical emergency because it may be a sign ofstroke.

Seek immediate medical attention if you or a loved one experiences the following symptoms:

  • 失去平衡
  • sudden confusion
  • sudden, severe headache with no known cause
  • sudden weakness on one side of the body
  • 麻烦看到

If you have symptoms of impaired sensation that seem to be getting worse or you’re experiencing falls or loss of balance because of impaired sensation, let your healthcare provider know.


  • Where do you feel the change in sensation? Do you feel it deep under your skin or just across the top of your skin?
  • 什么时候最常发生新的感觉或失去感觉?他们持续一整天,还是来来去去?
  • Does anything make your symptoms feel worse or better, such as rest, moving, or sleeping?




例如,diabetic neuropathyis a common cause of impaired sensation. If you have diabetic neuropathy, your healthcare provider may coach you on how to better管理血糖通过检查血糖水平并用药物治疗高血糖。

练习小心foot care,包括在足病医生办公室切下脚趾甲并定期去脚步考试约会也可以提供帮助。

If your impaired sensation is caused by a捏神经或者坐骨神经痛, surgery may help relieve the pressure on the nerve and improve your sensation.


A variety of conditions can cause impaired sensation. Your healthcare provider’s recommended treatment plan will depend on the cause.

If you experience sudden loss of sensation, it may be a sign of stroke. This is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.