


Guillain-Barré syndrome is rare, affecting only 大约1人中有10人 在美国,据国家神经障碍和中风研究所。


Did you know?

有多种类型的Guillain-Barré综合征,但最常见的形式是急性炎症性脱髓鞘Polyγronyuropathy(Aidp)。它会导致它damage to myelin, a material that forms a sheath around nerves.

Other types includeMiller Fisher syndrome,影响cranial nerves.

In Guillain-Barré syndrome, your immune system attacks yourPNS.

The nerves in your PNS connect your brain to the rest of your body and transmit signals to your muscles. If the nerves are damaged, your muscles will not be able to respond to the signals they receive from your brain.

The first symptom of Guillain-Barré syndrome is usually a tingling sensation in your toes,, 和legs. The tingling spreads upward to your arms and fingers.

The symptoms can progress very rapidly. In some people, the disease can become serious in just a few hours.

The other symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome include:

Guillain-Barré综合征的确切原因是未知的。根据疾病控制和预防的中心(CDC), 大约三分之二 of people with Guillain-Barré syndrome develop it soon after they’ve been sick with腹泻或者respiratory infection.


The most common risk factor for Guillain-Barré syndrome isCampylobacter Jejuniinfection.Campylobacter是美国腹泻最常见的细菌原因之一。它通常在未煮熟的食物中发现,特别是家禽.

The following infections have also been associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome:

Anyone can get Guillain-Barré syndrome, but it’s more common among adults over 50 years old .

In extremely rare cases, people can develop Guillain-Barré syndrome days or weeks after receiving a流感疫苗.

Occurrence varies by flu season. However, the CDC states that for every 1 million flu shots that are administered, 1 or 2 people tend to develop the condition.


  • 监测疫苗的安全性
  • 检测副作用的早期症状
  • record any cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome that develop following a vaccination

根据这一点 CDC , research indicates that you’re more likely to develop Guillain-Barré syndrome from the flu itself rather than the flu vaccine.

Guillain-Barré syndrome has also been associated with the约翰逊和约翰逊Covid-19疫苗.

According to an FDA statement , as of July 13, 2021, 100 people in the United States had reported GBS following vaccination. Around 12.5 million people have received the J&J vaccine overall. Data was taken from theVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

This means there were about 8 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome for every 1 million vaccines administered.

Prior to the statement, the FDA had issued a warning that there’s an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome within 42 days of vaccination. Despite this increased risk, Guillain-Barré syndrome is still very rare overall.了解更多关于格林-巴利综合征和J&J vaccine.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is difficult to diagnose at first. This is because the symptoms are very similar to those of other neurological disorders or conditions that affect the nervous system.

这些疾病和条件包括肉类主义,meningitis, 和heavy metal poisoning. Heavy metal poisoning may be caused by substances such as带领,, 和arsenic.

Your doctor will ask questions about specific symptoms and your medical history. Tell your doctor about any unusual symptoms and if you’ve had any recent or past illnesses or infections.

Tests that are used to help confirm a diagnosis are described below.

Spinal tap

脊椎龙头(也称为alumbar puncture) involves taking a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid from your lower back. The cerebrospinal fluid is thentestedto detect protein levels.

People with Guillain-Barré syndrome typically have higher-than-normal levels of protein in their cerebrospinal fluid.

Electromyography (EMG)

Anelectromyography (EMG)是一个神经功能测试。它从肌肉中读取电气活动,以帮助您的医生学习,如果您的肌肉无力是由神经损伤或肌肉损伤引起的。



Guillain-Barré syndrome is an autoimmune inflammatory process that’s self-limiting, meaning it will resolve on its own.


In severe cases, people with Guillain-Barré syndrome can develop full-body paralysis. The condition can be life threatening if paralysis affects thediaphragm或者chest muscles,防止呼吸正确。

The goal of treatment is to lessen the severity of the immune attack and support your body functions, such aslung function, while your nervous system recovers.


Plasmapheresis (plasma exchange)

The immune system producesantibodies,这是通常攻击细菌,病毒和其他有害异物的蛋白质。当您的免疫系统错误地使抗体攻击神经系统的健康神经的抗体发生了Guillain-Barré综合征。

The goal ofplasmapheresisis to remove the antibodies attacking the nerves from your blood.

During this procedure, a machine is used to remove blood from your body. This machine removes the antibodies from your blood and then returns the blood to your body.

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)

Immunoglobulin contains normal, healthy donor antibodies. High doses of immunoglobulin can help block the antibodies causing Guillain-Barré syndrome.



你可能会被药物治疗relieve pain和prevent血块while you’re immobile.

You’ll likely receiveoccupational and physical therapy也。在疾病的急性期间,护理人员将手动移动手臂和腿,以保持它们灵活。

Therapists will work with you on muscle strengthening and a range of activities of daily living (ADLs) once you begin to recover. This can include personal care activities, such as getting dressed.



Complications can also include:

  • 即使在恢复后,挥之不去的弱点,麻木或其他奇怪的感觉
  • heart or blood pressure problems
  • pain
  • slowbowel或者bladder功能
  • 血块bedsores由于瘫痪

Blood clots and bedsores that result from being immobilized can be reduced.

Blood thinners andcompression stockings可以最大限度地减少凝血。频繁重新定位您的身体可缓解延长的身体压力,导致褥疮。


In general, symptoms will get worse2至4周before they stabilize. Recovery can then take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years, but most people recover in 6 to 12 months.

About 80 percent of people affected by Guillain-Barré syndrome can walk independently at 6 months, and 60 percent recover their regular muscle strength in 1 year.

For some, recovery takes longer.

大约30% 格林-巴利综合征患者的生命l experience some weakness after 3 years. About 3 percent will experience a relapse of their symptoms, such as weakness and tingling, even years after the original event.

In rare cases, the condition can be life threatening, especially if you do not get treatment. Factors that may lead to a worse outcome include:

  • advanced age
  • 严重或迅速进展疾病
  • delay of treatment, which can result in more nerve damage
  • prolonged use of a respirator, which can predispose you tobacterial pneumonia

In addition to the physical symptoms, people with Guillain-Barré syndrome may experience emotional difficulties. It can be challenging to adjust to limited mobility and an increased dependence on others.Talking with a therapistmay help.