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What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

腕管综合征是压缩of the中位神经当它进入手中。中位神经位于手掌侧面(也称为腕管)。中位神经提供了感觉(能力)到拇指,食指,长手指和一部分的拇指,食指,长手指和一部分。它将冲动的肌肉提供给拇指的肌肉。腕管综合征可以在你的一只手中发生。


painin your carpal tunnel is due to excess pressure in your wrist and on the median nerve. Inflammation can cause swelling. The most common cause of this inflammation is an underlying medical condition that causes肿胀在手腕中,有时会阻塞血液流动。与腕管综合征相关的一些最常见的条件是:

腕管综合症can be made worse if the wrist is overextended repeatedly.Repeated motion你的手腕有助于肿胀和压缩中位神经。这可能是:

  • 定位你的手腕使用键盘或鼠标时
  • prolonged exposure to vibrations from using hand tools or power tools
  • any repeated movement that overextends your wrist, such as playing the piano or typing

Women are three times more likely to have carpal tunnel syndrome than men. Carpal tunnel syndrome is most frequently diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 60. Certain conditions increase your risk for developing it, including diabetes, high blood pressure, andarthritis

可能增加腕管综合征风险的生活方式因素包括smoking, 高的salt intake久坐不动的生活方式和一个高体重指数(BMI)


  • 制造业
  • assembly line work
  • 键盘职业
  • 施工作业。



  • 麻木,刺痛,拇指和疼痛和你手的前三个手指
  • pain and burning that travels up your arm
  • 在晚上干扰睡眠的腕骨疼痛
  • 肌肉的弱点

Doctors can diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome using a combination of your history, aphysical examination那and tests called神经传导研究


Nerve conduction studies are diagnostic tests that can measure the conduction speed of your nerve impulses. If the nerve impulse is slower than normal as the nerve passes into the hand, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.


Nonsurgical options include:

  • 避免过度扩展手腕的位置
  • wrist splints握住你的手中立位置,特别是在晚上
  • 轻度止痛药和药物减少炎症
  • 治疗您可能拥有的任何潜在条件,例如糖尿病或关节炎
  • steroid injections into your carpal tunnel area to reduce inflammation
店铺for wrist splints.


You can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome by making lifestyle changes that reduce your risk factors for developing it.

Treating conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis reduces your risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome.



Although unlikely, untreated carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to permanent神经损伤,残疾和手函数丧失。