What is diabetic neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is a serious and common complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It’s a type of nerve damage caused by long-term high blood sugar levels. The condition usually develops slowly, sometimes over the course of several decades.

If you have diabetes and notice numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in your hands or feet, you should see your doctor. These are early symptoms ofperipheral neuropathy。危险通常是当你无法感到痛苦和一个时ulcerdevelops on your foot.

In cases of severe or prolonged peripheral neuropathy, you may be vulnerable to injuries or infections. In serious cases, poor wound healing or infection can lead toamputation

There are different types of diabetic neuropathy that affect different areas of your body, causing a variety of symptoms. If you havediabetes, it’s important to regularlycheck your blood glucose levelsand contact your doctor if have any symptoms of neuropathy.

What are the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy?

这是常见的神经病变的症状出现radually. In many cases, the first type of nerve damage to occur involves the nerves of the feet. This can lead to the symptom of sometimes painful “pins and needles” in your feet.

Symptoms vary depending on the areas affected. Common signs and symptoms of the different types of diabetic neuropathy include:

  • sensitivity to touch
  • loss
  • difficulty with coordination when walking
  • 麻木or pain in your hands or feet
  • burning sensation in feet, especially at night
  • 肌肉弱点或浪费
  • bloating or fullness
  • 恶心,消化不良或呕吐
  • 腹泻或constipation
  • 你站起来的头晕
  • excessiveor decreased sweating
  • bladder problems, such as incomplete bladder emptying
  • vaginal dryness
  • 勃起功能障碍
  • 无法感测低血糖
  • 视觉问题,如双方视觉
  • increased heart rate

What are the different types of diabetic neuropathy?




  • 麻木
  • tingling or burning sensations
  • extreme sensitivity to touch
  • insensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • sharp pain or cramping
  • muscle weakness
  • 失去平衡或协调

Some people experience symptoms more often at night.

If you have peripheral neuropathy, you may not feel an injury or sore on your foot. People with diabetes often havepoor circulation, which makes it more difficult for wounds to heal. This combination increases the risk for infection. In extreme cases, infection can lead to amputation.

2. Autonomic neuropathy

The second most common type of neuropathy in people with diabetes isautonomic neuropathy



Nerve damage to the digestive system may cause:

  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • swallowing trouble
  • gastroparesis, which causes the stomach to empty too slowly into the small intestines

Gastroparesis causes a delay in digestion, which can worsen over time, leading to frequent nausea and vomiting. You’ll typically feel full too quickly and be unable to finish a meal.

Delayed digestion often makes it more difficult to control blood glucose levels, too, with frequently alternating high and low readings.

Also, symptoms ofhypoglycemia, such as sweating and heart palpitations, can go undetected in people with autonomic neuropathy. This can mean not noticing when you have low blood sugar, increasing the risk for a hypoglycemic emergency.


自主神经病变也可能导致性问题,如勃起功能障碍,阴道干燥或难度达到orgasm。Neuropathy in the bladder can causeincontinenceor make it difficult to fully empty your bladder.

Cardiovascular problems

控制心率和血压的神经损坏可以使它们更慢地响应。你可能会遇到一滴blood pressure当你坐下或躺下后站起来时,或躺着,或者当你施加自己时,感到眩晕或头晕。自主神经病变也可能导致心率异常快。

Autonomic neuropathy can make it difficult to identify some of the symptoms of aheart attack。You may not feel any chest pain when your heart isn’t getting enough oxygen. If you have autonomic neuropathy, you should know the other warning signs for heart attack, including:

  • profuse sweating
  • pain in the arm, back, neck, jaw, or stomach
  • shortness of breath
  • nausea
  • lightheadedness

3. Proximal neuropathy

A rare form of neuropathy is proximal neuropathy, also known as diabetic amyotrophy. This form of neuropathy is more commonly seen in adults over 50 years old with fairly well controlled type 2 diabetes, and more often in men.



4. Focal neuropathy


Like proximal neuropathy, most focal neuropathies go away in a few weeks or months and leave no lasting damage. The most common type is腕管综合症

虽然大多数人不感受到腕管综合征的症状,但关于 25 percent 糖尿病患者有一定程度的神经compression at the wrist.

Symptoms of focal neuropathy include:

  • pain, numbness, tingling in fingers
  • an inability to focus
  • double vision
  • aching behind the eyes
  • Bell’s palsy
  • pain in isolated areas, such as the front of the thigh, lower back, pelvic region, chest, stomach, inside the foot, outside the lower leg, or weakness in big toe

What causes diabetic neuropathy?

糖尿病神经病变是由高位引起的blood sugar levelssustained over a long period of time. Other factors can lead to nerve damage, such as:

  • damage to the blood vessels caused by high cholesterol levels
  • 机械损伤,如腕管综合征引起的伤害
  • lifestyle factors, such as smoking or alcohol use

Low levels of vitamin B-12也可以导致神经病。Metformin, a common medication used to manage diabetes, can decrease levels of vitamin B-12. You can ask your doctor for a simple blood test to identify any vitamin deficiencies.

How is diabetic neuropathy diagnosed?

A doctor will determine whether or not you have neuropathy, starting by asking about your symptoms and medical history. You’ll also have a physical examination. They’ll check your level of sensitivity to temperature and touch, your heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tone.

Your doctor may do a filament test to test the sensitivity in your feet. For this, they’ll use a nylon fiber to check your limbs for any loss of sensation. A tuning fork may be used to test your vibration threshold. Your doctor may also test your ankle reflexes.


There’s no cure for diabetic neuropathy, but you can slow its progression. Keeping your blood sugar levels within a healthy range is the best way to decrease the likelihood of developing diabetic neuropathy or slow its progression. It can also relieve some symptoms.

戒烟and exercising regularly are also parts of a comprehensive treatment plan. Always talk to your doctor or healthcare team before beginning a new fitness routine. You may also ask your doctor aboutcomplementary treatmentsor神经病变的补充剂

Pain management


You may also want to consider alternative therapies, such asacupuncture。Some 研究 发现辣椒素有用。当与药物结合使用时,替代疗法可以提供额外的浮雕。

Managing complications

Depending on your type of neuropathy, your doctor can suggest medications, therapies, or lifestyle changes that may help deal with symptoms and ward off complications.

For example, if you have problems with digestion as a result of your neuropathy, your doctor may suggest you eat smaller meals more often and limit the amount of fiber and fat in your diet.

If you have vaginal dryness, your doctor may suggest a lubricant. If you have erectile dysfunction, they may prescribe medication that can help.

外周神经病变对糖尿病的人们非常常见,可以导致serious foot complications, which in turn can lead to amputation. If you have peripheral neuropathy, it’s important to take special care of your feet and to quickly get help if you have an injury or sore.


Diabetic neuropathy can often be avoided if you管理你的血糖警惕地。为此,请保持一致:

  • monitoring your blood glucose levels
  • taking药物as prescribed
  • managing yourdiet
  • being active
