
Your ulnar nerve runs all the way from your shoulder to your little finger. The ulnar nerve manages the muscles that allow you to make fine movements with your fingers. It also controls some of the muscles of your forearm that allow you to grip things tightly. Unlike most of your other nerves, the ulnar nerve isn’t protected by muscle or bone throughout its course. In some areas, it’s near the surface of your skin. This means that injuries to the ulnar nerve aren’t uncommon.


你可能会失去感觉肌肉无力in your hand if you damage your ulnar nerve. This is known as ulnar nerve palsy or ulnar neuropathy. This condition can affect your ability to make fine movements and perform many routine tasks. In severe cases, ulnar nerve palsy can cause肌肉浪费或萎缩,使手看起来像爪子。手术有时需要纠正这一点。

Ulnar nerve palsy is typically a progressive condition, meaning it gets worse over time.






  • 损害你的神经的疾病
  • an injury to the nerve
  • 对神经的过度压力
  • 由于肿胀导致的神经压力
  • 肘部骨折或错位


Your doctor will first examine you and ask you about your symptoms. Make sure to tell your doctor if your symptoms began after an injury to your hand. This can help your doctor determine potential causes of your condition more easily. They’ll want to know how the injury occurred, how long symptoms have been present, and what makes your symptoms worse or better.

During the exam, your doctor will assess the condition of your hand and evaluate how well you can move your fingers.

In addition to a physical examination, testing can include:

These tests help detect swelling and measure nerve function in the ulnar nerve. They can also help to localize the area of the nerve that isn’t functioning properly. A nerve conduction study can help determine the severity of the dysfunction.


There are a number of possible treatments for ulnar nerve palsy, including:

  • 过度反击止痛药
  • 药物减少神经痉挛, such as gabapentin (Neurontin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), or phenytoin (Dilantin)
  • corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
  • a splint to support the handand reduce painful symptoms
  • physical therapy to increase muscle strength and function
  • occupational therapy to minimize further injury

Your doctor may also recommend surgery if the nerve damage is extensive, extremely painful, or not improving. Surgery is also often necessary if you find it difficult to go about your daily life due to the nerve palsy. If the cause of your ulnar nerve palsy is compressed nerve at the elbow, moving the nerve from the back of the elbow to the front of the elbow may be necessary.



Getting medical treatment as soon as you notice symptoms of ulnar nerve palsy is vital to preventing more serious complications, such as a permanent hand deformity. The most common cause is pressure on the nerve at the elbow. If the condition is progressive, then moving the nerve from the back of the elbow to the front takes pressure off the nerve and allows it to function normally.


To prevent further injury, you may need to wear a cast, splint, or brace for support.