What happens in the second trimester?
- esophagus
- stomach
- liver
- 小肠
- 嘴
- anus
Nutrient absorption is always important for creating overall energy and cellular function, but these roles are even more crucial in supporting a胎儿的生长。
Digestive issues occur in pregnancy because of an influx in hormones that relax muscles in the digestive tract.Natural weight gainfrom supporting your baby can also put additional pressure on the digestive tract.
Constipationis a common symptom during pregnancy, and it’s more prevalent during the second trimester. The美国产科医生学院(ACOG)将便秘定义为每周不到三个排便。
激素水平会影响消化在放缓down bowel movements. Bowel movements might be painful or difficult, and your腹部可能会膨胀。
You may also have higher levels of iron if you’re taking产前维生素。High iron levels可以有助于便秘。
Dietary changes are the most practical way to treat constipation during pregnancy. They’re also the safest way.天然纤维摄入can offset constipation problems. TheUCSF Medical Center建议每天20至35克纤维。
植物来源是您的纤维的关键,因此请确保吃大量新鲜农产品,whole grains,,,,beans,,,,andlegumes。
Make sure you also:
- avoid holding bowel movements
- 喝很多的水,,,,since sugary beverages can make constipation worse
- exercise regularlyto encourage movement in your bowels
作为最后的手段,您的医生可能会推荐泻药or纤维补充软化和减轻排便。切勿先与医生联系,切勿接受这些。Diarrheais a common side effect of these products, which can lead to脱水并在怀孕期间引起并发症。
- carbonated beverages
- dairy products
- cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower
- garlic
- spinach
- 土豆
- 豆类和其他高纤维食品,只有在便秘没有问题的情况下才能切割
这way you eat can also make gas worse. Try eating smaller meals and eating slowly to avoid swallowing air. If changing your eating habits doesn’t help, talk to your doctor about adding over-the-counter (OTC) gas relief products. Don’t take any supplements or herbs without checking with a doctor first.
Heartburnoccurs when stomach acids leak back into the esophagus. Also called acid reflux, heartburn actually doesn’t affect the heart. Instead, you might feelan uncomfortable burning sensation in your throat and chest吃饭后不久。
- greasy, fatty, and fried foods
- spicy foods
- garlic
- 洋葱
- 咖啡因
在躺下之前吃大餐和进食也可能导致胃灼热。在就寝时间抬高枕头,以帮助防止晚上胃灼热。如果您经常胃灼热,请致电您的医生,至少每周两次。他们可能会推荐OTC antacidsfor relief.
Mild digestive disruptions are normal during the second trimester, but a few symptoms can raise red flags. Call your doctor right away if you experience:
- 严重的腹泻
- diarrhea that lasts longer than two days
- black or bloody stools
- severe abdominal pain or belly cramps
- 每隔几分钟即将来临一次与气体有关的疼痛;这些实际上可能是劳动痛