


For the most part, this minimizes the harmful effects of excess iron.

It is when these safety mechanisms fail that health issues arise.



Iron is an essential dietary mineral, mostly used by red blood cells.


There are two types of dietary iron:

  • 血红素铁:This type of iron is only found in animal foods, mostly inred meat。它比非血红素铁更容易吸收。
  • 非血红素铁:大多数饮食铁是非血红素形式的。它在动物和植物中都发现。可以用有机酸(例如维生素C)增强其吸收植物

饮食中几乎没有血红素铁的人会增加铁缺乏症的风险( 1 , 2 )。

许多人是铁不足的,尤其是女性。实际上,铁缺乏是世界上最常见的矿物质缺乏( 3 )。

Bottom Line:



There are two reasons why iron levels are tightly regulated within the body:

  1. 铁是一种重要的营养素,在许多基本身体功能中起作用,因此我们必须获得一个小数量
  2. 高水平的铁有可能有毒,因此我们应该避免too much

The body regulates iron levels by adjusting the rate of iron absorption from the digestive tract.


Basically, this is how it works ( 4 ):

  • High iron stores -> Levels of hepcidin increase -> Iron absorption decreases.
  • Low iron stores -> Levels of hepcidin decrease -> Iron absorption increases.


On the other hand, conditions that stimulate hepcidin formation may cause iron deficiency.


Bottom Line:


Iron Toxicity


Many serious health problems may be caused by accidental overdoses, taking high-dose supplements for a long time, or chronic iron overload disorders.


It is safely bound to proteins, such as transferrin, which keep it from causing harm.


Free iron is a pro-oxidant – the opposite of anantioxidant- 并可能对细胞造成损害。

Several conditions may cause this to happen. These include:

  • 铁中毒:Poisoning can occur when people, usually children, overdose on iron supplements ( 5 , 6 )。
  • Hereditary hemochromatosis:A genetic disorder characterized by excessive absorption of iron from food ( 7 )。
  • 非洲铁超载:食物或饮料中的高水平铁引起的一种饮食过载。它最初是在非洲观察到的,在铁锅中酿造自制啤酒( 8 )。

Acute iron poisoning happens when people overdose on iron supplements. Single doses as low as 10–20 mg/kg may cause adverse symptoms. Doses higher than 40 mg/kg require medical attention ( 9 )。


Early symptoms of iron poisoning may include stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.



Bottom Line:





The most common iron overload disorder is hereditary血色素沉着病。This leads to the build up of iron in tissues and organs ( 7 , 10 )。

Over time, untreated hemochromatosis increases the risk of arthritis, cancer, liver problems, diabetes and heart failure ( 11 )。


Therefore, menstruating women are less likely to experience iron overload. Likewise, those who donate blood frequently are at lower risk.

If you are prone to iron overload, you can minimize the risk of health problems by:

  • Reducing your intake of iron-rich foods, such as red meat.
  • 定期献血。
  • 避免将维生素C与富含铁的食物一起服用。
  • 避免使用铁炊具。


Bottom Line:

Iron overload is characterized by excessive amounts of iron in the body. The most common disorder is hereditary hemochromatosis, which may lead to many health problems. This is not a concern for most people.

Iron and Cancer Risk

毫无疑问,铁超载可能导致动物和人类的癌症( 12 , 13 )。

看来定期捐献或失血可能会降低这种风险( 14 )。

Observational studies suggest that a high intake of heme iron may increase the risk of colon cancer ( 15 , 16 )。

人类的临床试验表明,补充剂或红肉的血红素铁可能会增加消化道中引起癌症的N-硝基化合物的形成( 17 , 18 )。

The association of red meat and cancer is a hotly-debated topic. Although there are some plausible mechanisms explaining this link, most of the evidence is based on observational studies.

Bottom Line:


Iron and Risk of Infection

Both iron overload and iron deficiency appear to make people more susceptible to infection ( 19 , 20 )。

There are two reasons for this ( 21 ):

  1. 免疫系统使用铁杀死有害细菌,因此需要一些铁才能抵抗感染。
  2. 游离铁的水平升高刺激细菌和病毒的生长,因此铁可以具有相反的作用,并且增加the risk of infections.

几项研究表明,补充铁可能会增加感染的频率和严重程度,尽管一些研究发现没有影响( 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 )。

遗传性血色素症患者也更容易感染( 28 )。

For patients at a high risk of infection, iron supplementation should be a well-grounded decision. All potential risks should be taken into account.

Bottom Line:



In short, iron can be dangerous in high quantities.


Iron supplementation is another story. It benefits those who suffer from iron deficiency, but may cause harm in those who are not iron-deficient.
