
有些人认为脸颊咬人是一种类似于指甲咬人的无害,坏习惯。尽管这似乎是一种重复的行为,但它可能是精神健康状况类似的标志强迫症(OCD)driven by压力和焦虑

Chronic cheek biting and chewing — scientifically known as morsicatio buccarum — is considered to be a body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) similar tohair pulling(trichotillomania) andskin picking(挖掘)。它对应于焦虑-related problems.

BFRBs are behaviors that are repeated despite continuing attempts to stop them. They become disorders when they get in the way of a person’s quality of life and cause injury or distress. BFRBs typically start in late childhood and continue into adulthood.


  1. 定期意外的脸颊咬人。虽然这可能会导致溃疡, the occasional, accidental cheek bite is not a cause for concern.
  2. 定期意外的脸颊咬人。If you accidentally bite down on your cheeks regularly — and more often than you would like — your teeth may not be in proper alignment or there may be something wrong with your。您的牙医可以就此问题提供建议,并且可能有一个正畸解决方案,例如braces
  3. 脸颊咬人时睡着了。This unintentional behavior can be addressed with a dentist-provided软警卫这样可以防止牙齿与脸颊直接接触。
  4. Habitual cheek biting.作为a habit, this semiconscious activity can be replaced by another, less damaging behavior.
  5. BFRD。尽管试图停止,但这仍然是痴迷的脸颊咬人。


  • 对stress
  • 无聊或不活动
  • a semiconscious coping method for emotional overload


一遍又一遍地咬脸颊内部的主要结果是对您的口腔组织受伤。这种伤害会导致更大的伤害,例如mouth soresandulcers

Some cheek biters have a “favorite” portion of the inner cheek, causing them to concentrate their biting and chewing on one area. This can result in a patch of skin that is raw and feels jagged. The broken skin can trigger an added compulsion to smooth the damaged area, creating a cycle of continuing or worsening injury.


一个 2017年研究 牙齿的慢性机械刺激(CMI)表明CMI无法引起oral cancer。But if cancer is present from another cause, CMI can promote and progress oral carcinogenesis.


Often, compulsive cheek biters experience feelings of guilt and shame about their self-injurious BFRB. This can lead to a feeling of hopelessness. Sometimes, they will go to great measures to stop other people seeing the behavior, which could limit their social activity and interaction.

Cheek biting and wisdom teeth


If you are suffering from regular accidental cheek bites, consult with your dentist. There is probably a simple cause that can be addressed with dental appliances and, in some cases, surgery.

If you are a chronic cheek biter, the treatment may be more complicated. The first step is to determine if the behavior is habitual or compulsive.


  • 口香糖要取代脸颊咀嚼 - 您的牙医会建议无糖
  • taking deep breaths when you feel the urge to chew on your cheek
  • 识别造成习惯的触发器,然后用另一项活动代替脸颊咬人

强迫性BFRB脸颊咬和脸颊咀嚼是一种更复杂的解决方案。一个ccording to the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, treatment for chronic cheek biting should focus on emotional and behavioral components. Some steps that have been recommended include:

  • lowering stress levels
  • 提供健康的焦虑解决方案
  • 删除启发行为的触发器
  • 催眠
  • meditationfor anxiety reduction
  • mindfulness training for awareness
  • 谈话疗法包括认知行为疗法, dialectical behavior therapy, habit reversal therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy

If you find yourself biting the inside of your cheek on a consistent basis, your first step is to identify the type of cheek biting you are doing:

  • 定期意外的脸颊咬人
  • 脸颊咬人时睡着了
  • habitual cheek biting
  • BFRD脸颊咬人
