
Thinking about getting braces? You’re probably wondering how much they’re going to hurt. Braces can cause discomfort, but it’s usually not too bad.


First, your orthodontist puts bands around your back molars. This may involve some slight pressure or pinching, but it won’t be painful.

Then, your orthodontist applies a special glue to your teeth that doesn’t taste good, but doesn’t hurt. Your orthodontist glues brackets onto each of your teeth, and then connects the brackets with wires. Finally, everything is secured with elastic bands.

Within a few hours, you will begin to develop some pain and soreness in your teeth and gums. This pain will probably last about a week. During that time, you will be getting used to the feeling of your new braces. The wires and rubber bands put pressure on your teeth to slowly straighten them. This pressure takes some time to get used to.

Sore teeth food:

  • frozen yogurt
  • soup
  • 土豆泥
  • 通心粉和奶酪
  • 酸奶
  • 冰沙
  • cold drinks
  • 柔软的水果,如香蕉和浆果
  • 麦片

During the first week after getting braces, you may experience:

  • 牙齿和牙龈的压力和酸痛,尤其是在咀嚼时
  • sores or pain on the insides of your checks
  • 舌头不适或割伤(从新的牙套上运行)



Braces fix alignment problems by putting constant pressure on your teeth. Over time, your teeth move into a straighter position. How much time this takes depends on a few factors, including what type of appliance you’re using and what problems your orthodontist is trying to fix. Most people wear braces for about two years.

When you have braces, you need to visit your orthodontist every few weeks for adjustments. At these appointments, your orthodontist evaluates your teeth and checks on the amount of pressure the braces are producing. As your teeth move and the tension decreases, the braces lose effectiveness. At each visit, your orthodontist tightens the wires, springs, or elastic bands to increase the tension.

Getting your braces tightened can cause pain and soreness for a few days. The discomfort shouldn’t be as bad as when you first got your braces on. After a few days, you will get used to the increased pressure on your teeth. An over-the-counter pain reliever should be enough to control the pain.


After your braces come off, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned. Your orthodontist might want to take another set of X-rays and impressions to check how well your braces worked. If you have wisdom teeth coming in, your orthodontist may recommend getting them removed. This will prevent your newly straightened teeth from being pushed out of alignment.



  • 爆米花
  • hard candy
  • 粘糖



There are a few foods that you should avoid when you have braces. Foods like popcorn, hard candy, sticky candy, and gum can all damage braces. If you want to get creative with braces-safe foods, you can tryThe Braces Cookbook