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Monolaurin is a chemical derived from lauric acid and glycerin, and is a byproduct of coconut fat. For the past two decades, research scientists have been investigating possible applications for monolaurin in medicine, sanitization, and food preservation.


Researchers hope that one day monolaurin could be used to create a new antibiotic or antiviral medication that’s effective against a broad spectrum of microbes.


Coconut oil and certain coconut products contain approximately 50 percent lauric acid. Monolaurin is many times more effective than lauric acid at killing viruses and bacteria; however, researchers aren’t sure exactly how it’s formed in the human body.

Lauric acidcan be ingested in coconut oil and your body will convert it into monolaurin, but researchers are unsure of the conversion rates. Because of this, it’s impossible to say how much coconut oil you would need to ingest to receive a therapeutic dose of monolaurin.


  • dietary supplements
  • 椰子油- 月桂酸的最高天然来源
  • 椰子奶油,生
  • coconut cream, canned
  • fresh shredded coconut
  • coconut cream pudding
  • coconut milk
  • human breast milk
  • cow and goat milk — containing small percentages of lauric acid

Monolaurin hasn’t been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for any medical condition, so there are no standard dosing guidelines. Dr. Jon Kabara, who first reported on monolaurin and now markets it under the brand nameLauricidin,这表明12岁及12岁的人每天以750毫克(MG)的速度开始,每天两到三次。从那里开始,他建议他们每天工作至3000毫克,每天两到三次。

These recommendations are made from Kabara’s clinical experience only and aren’t supported by any specific research. The company’swebsite说,3岁及以上的儿童可以开始服用劳西丁的小剂量,并提高到更大的剂量。

Coconut oil is an edible, nontoxic oil used around the world as a standard cooking oil. Anyone with a coconut allergy shouldn’t ingest coconut oil, but adverse effects are otherwise unlikely.

People take monolaurin supplements to encourage immune health and general wellness, but there’s little scientific data to back up these claims. Studies have investigated the antimicrobial effects of coconut oil, lauric acid, and monolaurin, but most of these studies have been conducted in test tubes and petri dishes (体外)。

Its antimicrobial properties have been clearly established, but more research is needed to test the effects of monolaurin on living subjects.


Research shows that monolaurin is an effective killer of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistantStaphylococcus aureus. 2013年的研究 发表在《药品杂志》上证实了其他体外studies that showed the antibacterial power of monolaurin. It also showed that monolaurin at least partially fights offStaphylococcus aureus在老鼠中。

2007年的一项研究 在《皮肤科药物杂志》中,单龙蛋白与六种常见类型的抗生素类型在治疗浅表小儿皮肤感染中。该研究发现统计学上显着的广泛抗生素作用,而没有普通抗生素的任何抗性。


Several fungi, yeasts, and protozoa are reported to be inactivated or killed by monolaurin, including some species ofandcandida albicans.Candida albicansis a common fungal pathogen that lives in the gut, mouth, genitals, urinary tract, and skin. It can be life-threatening in immunocompromised people.

A 最近的研究 发现单龙具有作为抗真菌治疗的潜力candida albicans一种也可以减少促炎反应。

Antiviral effects

It’sreportedthat some of the viruses that have been inactivated, at least partially, by monolaurin include:

A 2015 study published in PLOS ONE tested a monolaurin vaginal gel in female primates. Researchers found that daily doses of monolaurin gel could reduce primates’ risk of vaginally contracting SIV, the primate version of HIV. The researchers concluded that monolaurin has great potential as a prophylactic.

Although the FDA hasn’t approved monolaurin for the treatment of any medical condition or disease, it’s given it 通常被认为是安全的(gras) 地位。这意味着通常认为单龙在食品中安全,即使是大量的。但是,可能存在具有营养标记的标准化食品(如格兰诺拉麦片)的数量限制。

与单层相关的唯一风险是与椰子油得出的来源有关的风险。raybet雷竞技下载很常见,但很严重对椰子的过敏反应are rare, even among people who are allergic to tree nuts.

There are no known risks, interactions, or complications with monolaurin as a dietary supplement.

Tips for taking monolaurin | Tips for taking

  • 确保饮食补充剂来自信誉良好的来源。饮食补充剂不受调节,因此请注意陌生的添加剂。
  • Lauricidin is a pure lipid extract with a naturally bitter, soap-like taste. Wash it down like a pill with juice or water to avoid the bad taste. Taking it with a hot beverage can make the taste worse.
  • 增加您对椰子油. While coconut oil isn’t great for deep-frying, it’s perfect for frying over a medium heat. Try using coconut oil in recipes that call for canola or other vegetable oils.
  • When coconut oil is applied局部它可以舒缓和保湿,但这没有hing to do with monolaurin.

