Malignant narcissism refers to a specific, less common manifestation ofnarcissistic personality disorder。一些expertsconsider this presentation of narcissism the most severe subtype.


According toCampbell’s Psychiatric Dictionary, malignant narcissism combines characteristics of:


恶性自恋可以以多种方式呈现 - 没有一定的特征清单。这也非常困难,尤其是对于不是精神卫生专家的人,可以区分恶性自恋和严重的NPD。



But this type of narcissism might appear with any combination of symptoms from the following categories.


Like other personality disorders, NPD occurs on a spectrum and involves a range of symptoms. The DSM-5 lists nine traits that help identify NPD, but only five are needed for diagnosis.


  • grandiose fantasies and behavior, such as a preoccupation with thoughts of personal success, power, and attractiveness or sex appeal
  • 对他人的情绪或感觉很少或根本没有同理心
  • a significant need for attention, admiration, and recognition
  • an inflated sense of self-importance, such as a tendency to exaggerate personal talent or achievements
  • a belief in personal specialness and superiority
  • 权利感
  • 倾向于利用他人或利用人们以个人利益的趋势
  • 傲慢或自负的行为和态度
  • 嫉妒他人并相信他人羡慕他们的趋势


This condition also tends to involve difficulty managing emotions and behavioral responses to压力




患有APD的人通常会显示出症状品行障碍in childhood. This may include violence toward other people and animals, vandalism, or theft. They generally don’t consider or care about the consequences of their actions.

Only adults are diagnosed with APD. A diagnosis requires at least three of the following symptoms:

  • 持续非法或违法行为表现出对权威和社会规范的鄙视
  • a pattern of deceit, including exploitation and manipulation of other people
  • reckless, impulsive, or risky behavior that shows disregard for personal safety or the safety of other people
  • little or no remorse for harmful or illegal actions
  • 通常敌对,易怒,攻击性,不安或激动的心情
  • a pattern of irresponsible, arrogant, or disrespectful behavior
  • difficulty planning ahead


Aggression describes a type of behavior, not a mental health condition. People can’t be diagnosed with aggression, but a mental health professional or other expert may note acts of aggression as part of a diagnostic profile.


  • Hostile侵略。这是专门旨在伤害或破坏某人或某物的行为。
  • 乐器侵略。这是一种与特定目标有关的侵略性行为,例如砸碎汽车窗户以窃取钱包。
  • 情感侵略。This refers to behavior usually directed at a person or object that triggered an emotion. It may also be redirected if it isn’t possible to target the actual source. Punching a wall instead of punching another person is an example of affective aggression, particularly when the action involves a desire to cause damage.


Sadism is taking pleasure in humiliating someone or causing them pain.



  • 享受伤害别人
  • 喜欢看别人体验痛苦
  • 从痛苦中看到他人的性兴奋
  • 花费大量时间幻想伤害他人,即使他们实际上没有这样做
  • want to hurt others when irritated or angry
  • enjoy humiliating others, especially in public situations
  • tend toward aggressive actions or behavior
  • 以控制或霸气的方式行事

一些expertssuggest that sadistic behavior helps set NPD and malignant narcissism apart. Narcissism often involves self-centered pursuit of desires and goals, but people with NPD might still show some remorse or regret for hurting others in the process.

Many people use the term社会变态in casual conversation. You might hear it used to describe people who don’t seem to care about other people or who take advantage of and manipulate their loved ones.

社交病usually refers to the characteristics and behavior commonly seen with APD. But similarly to malignant narcissism, sociopathy is only used as an informal term, not a specific diagnosis.

Malignant narcissism isn’t the same as sociopathy, since APD traits are only part of this narcissism subtype.

In general, therapy can help anyone who seeks treatment with the intent of putting in the effort to improve their feelings, behaviors, or emotional reactions.

It’s certainly possible people living with malignant narcissism, or any other type of narcissism, can go to therapy and work to change behaviors that have a negative effect on their quality of life or on their family members, partners, and friends.


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But they might have other symptoms that prompt them into treatment, including:

  • depression
  • 易怒
  • 愤怒管理问题




如果你认为有人接近你可能处理with a personality disorder, such as NPD or APD, it’s important to remember that it’s absolutely possible to change. Therapycan帮助,只要他们愿意努力完成所涉及的工作。


  • 更牢固的人际关系
  • improved emotional regulation
  • 更好地实现目标的能力



但是,对待治疗的个人责任可以带来更好的结果。推荐的治疗类型包括修改dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)以及适用的夫妻和家庭咨询。

抗精神病药和选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIS)may also improve some symptoms, including anger, irritability, and psychosis.

来自 2015 suggests thatschema therapy也可能有助于NPD和相关问题。其他researchsupports this finding.

其他approaches that could improve treatment outcomes include transference-focused therapy and mentalization-based therapy.

However, clinical data on this topic is lacking. More research is needed on therapy for narcissism.

自恋and related issues usually involve difficulty relating to and understanding the feelings of other people. You might notice标志,例如自我服务的行为,操纵性的单词和行为,或一种不健康或失败的关系模式。

Maintaining family or interpersonal relationships may be even more challenging for a person with malignant narcissism. It’s not uncommon for relationships to involve controlling behavior,气灯, 和情感虐待


There are many different types of abusive behavior, and some may not seem as clearly abusive as others. Common signs can include:

  • pointing out “flaws” and seeming to enjoy making you feel discouraged or upset, or saying they’re doing it for your own good
  • 撒谎或操纵您实现自己的目标,并证明自己的行为是合理的,如果您召唤他们的行为,没有内gui或后悔
  • putting you down, humiliating you, or threatening you, in public or private
  • appearing to enjoy inflicting physical harm
  • showing no interest in your needs or feelings
  • 以风险或危险的方式行事,不关心您或其他人在此过程中受伤(例如,在表达恐惧时危险地驾驶和笑)
  • saying or doing unkind or cruel things and appearing to enjoy your distress
  • 表现一个ggressively toward you and other people or things

