What is stress?


Stress triggers your fight-or-flight response in order to fight the stressor or run away from it. Typically, after the response occurs, your body should relax. Too much constant stress can have negative effects on your long-term health.



We all feel stressed at times, but what one person finds stressful may be very different from what another finds stressful. An example of this would be public speaking. Some love the thrill of it and others become paralyzed at the very thought.


但压力应该是暂时的。一旦你通过了the fight-or-flight moment, your heart rate and breathing should slow down and your muscles should relax. In a short time, your body should return to its natural state without any lasting negative effects.


这相当普遍。当被问及时,80%美国人报告他们至少有一个压力的症状在过去的一个月里。20%reported being under extreme stress.



That gets your heart beating faster and sends blood to muscles and important organs. You feel energized and have heightened awareness so you can focus on your immediate needs.


These hormones are nature’s way of preparing you to face danger and increase your chances of survival.

这些荷尔蒙肾上腺素之一。你可能肌萎缩性侧索硬化症o know it as epinephrine, or the fight-or-flight hormone. In rapid fashion, adrenaline works to:

  • 增加你的心跳
  • 提高呼吸率
  • 让您的肌肉更容易使用葡萄糖
  • 合同血管所以血液被引导到肌肉
  • stimulate perspiration
  • 抑制胰岛素production


一种lthough adrenaline is important, it isn’t the primary stress hormone. That’s cortisol.


  • 提高血液中的葡萄糖量
  • 帮助大脑更有效地使用葡萄糖
  • 提高有助于组织修复的物质的可达性
  • 限制在危及生命的情况下是非必要的功能
  • altering immune system response
  • 抑制生殖系统和生长过程
  • 影响控制恐惧,动机和情绪的大脑的部分




There are several压力的类型, including:

  • acute stress
  • 焦急压
  • 慢性应力


急性压力happens to everyone. It’s the body’s immediate reaction to a new and challenging situation. It’s the kind of stress you might feel when you narrowly escape a car accident.



Once the danger passes, your body systems should return to normal.

严重的急性压力是一个不同的故事。这种压力,如当你面临危及生命的情况时,可以导致post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)or other mental health problems.




Certain professions, such as law enforcement or firefighters, might also lead to frequent high-stress situations.




慢性应力can also lead to frequent ailments such as headaches, an upset stomach, and sleep difficulties.获得对不同类型的压力以及如何识别它们可能有所帮助的洞察力。


  • 通过自然或曼德灾难生活
  • living withchronic illness
  • 幸存危及生命的意外或疾病
  • being the victim of a crime
  • 体验家庭压力因素,如:
    • 虐待关系
    • 一个不幸的婚姻
    • 长期离婚诉讼程序
    • 儿童保管问题
  • caregiving对于一个具有慢性疾病的爱人,如失智
  • 住在贫困or being homeless
  • 在危险的职业工作
  • 几乎没有工作生活平衡,长时间工作,或者有你讨厌的工作
  • 军事部署


无论原因是什么,对身体的影响can be serious if left unmanaged.

Just as we each have different things that stress us out, our symptoms can also be different.


You might feel overwhelmed, irritable, or fearful. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you may be drinking or smoking more than you used to.


  • 轻度到中度沉闷的头痛
  • 额头上的压力带
  • tenderness of the scalp and forehead

Many things can trigger a tension headache. But those tight muscles could be due to emotional stress or anxiety.

一种胃溃疡- 一种消化性溃疡- 胃的衬里疼痛是:

Research into how physical stress interacts with the immune system is ongoing. It’s thought that physical stress may affect how you heal from an ulcer. Physical stress can be due to:

  • 脑或中枢神经系统的创伤或伤害
  • 严重的长期疾病或受伤
  • 外科手术


有些人通过进食而对压力作出反应,即使他们不饿。如果你发现自己在没有思考的情况下吃东西,binging in the middle of the night,或一般来说进食方式更多than you used to, you might be stress eating.

When you stress eat, you take in a lot more calories than you need and you’re probably not choosing the healthiest foods. This can lead torapid weight gainand a host of health problems. And it does nothing to resolve your stress.


Work can be a source of great stress for any number of reasons. This kind of stress can be occasional or chronic.


  • 感觉你缺乏力量或控制会发生什么
  • feeling stuck in a job you dislike and seeing no alternatives
  • being made to do things you don’t think you should do
  • experiencing a conflict with a co-worker
  • having too much asked of you, orbeing overworked


当然,一些工作比其他工作更危险。一些,如紧急先响应者,打电话给你把你的生命放在这条线上。然后,有职业 - 例如医学领域的职业,如医生或护士 - 你在哪里握住别人的生命。寻找平衡并管理压力对于保持您的心理健康是重要的。




  • 高血压
  • heart disease
  • 糖尿病
  • 恐慌症
  • depression

压力和焦虑can be treated. In fact, there are many strategies and resources that can help for both.

Start by seeing your primary doctor, who can check your overall health and refer you for counseling. If you’ve thought about harming yourself or others, get help immediately.

The goal of压力管理不是完全摆脱它。这不仅仅是不可能的,而且在我们提到的情况下,在某些情况下,压力可能会健康。

In order to manage your stress, first you have to identify the things that cause you stress — or your triggers. Figure out which of these things can be avoided. Then, find ways to cope with those negative stressors that can’t be avoided.

Over time, managing your stress levels may help lower your risk forstress-related diseases。一种nd it’ll help you feel better on a daily basis, too.


如果你无法管理你的压力,或者如果它伴随着焦虑或depression, see your doctor right away. These conditions can be managed with treatment, as long as you seek help. You might also consider consulting with a therapist or other心理健康专业人士

While stress is a normal part of life, too much stress is clearly harmful to your physical and mental well-being.
