
Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story.

“But first, coffee.”

This phrase is essentially my guiding philosophy in life. Since my first cup of coffee 12 years ago at age 16, I’ve been completely dependent on multiple steaming cups a day.

I’m a naturally tired person. I also struggle to get restful sleep because I havegeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD)


Although I relish thebenefits that coffee provides— the primary one being increased energy — I know it’s a habit that potentially has its downsides.

Experts believehigh caffeine intake can make anxiety and sleep problems worse. Despite therapy and other mindfulness strategies, I consistently struggle to keep the worrying and overthinking at bay.

也可以触发为了胃食管反流疾病(GERD)— which I have. My gastroenterologist has previously told me to stop drinking coffee to improve my acid reflux.

我也有irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)。I’ve always thought coffee helps with my gut issues, but I know咖啡因可以是触发对于IBS的人。



这里是我内部thoughts and observations about my health over my agonizing week without coffee.

‘I absolutely cannot do this’


On Day 2, I did the exact same thing, overcome by my inability to simply wake up without coffee.


I was driving to visit my grandmother in another state, and therefore didn’t have any mentally taxing work to do. This ended up being the perfect day to start the challenge, as I primarily consume as much coffee as I do to focus on my work as a writer.



I was getting amigraine。我认为这可能会发生,因为我知道一些偏头痛患者可以get headaches from caffeine withdrawal

As my head pounded and my stomach began to turn, I popped anExcedrin偏头痛(which has caffeine). But the migraine just wouldn’t go away. I took some ibuprofen before finally admitting it was time to take one of my prescription migraine medications.

The following day, I got a mild migraine, though I was able to nip it in the bud with medication before it grew too unbearable. On my third day without coffee, I had a dull张力头痛



I’ve been on a daily GERD medication,omeprazole(prilosec),自去年7月以来,我的胃酸反流无法再由偶尔的TUM控制。我通常以两周的治疗剂量服用奥美拉唑,这意味着两周的药物,然后一周没有。


Although I had a bit of reflux over the week, it was nowhere near as severe as it usually is without medication, which is likely why I forgot to take it.


Coffee is one of the onlyGERD triggers那是我饮食的一部分,我一直想知道这是否是罪魁祸首。


I haveirritable bowel syndrome (IBS)。它’s secondary to腹腔疾病, which can wreak havoc on my gut health.

I’m constipation-prone, so I often have long bouts of便秘several times a year.


Caffeinated drinks are known to have泻药样作用为了many people, myself being one of them.

我决定接受MiraLAX, an over-the-counter stool softener, to help my constipation.

I ended up needing to take the stool softener several times during the challenge, but I was never fully regular.

‘The afternoon energy slump is real’


Thebrain fogeased up each day, and although the start to my morning was slower, I eventually got work done.

The real struggle happened around 3 or 4 p.m., when I felt myself beginning to wane.


I came to long for this small burst of caffeine each night, and began brewing matcha earlier and earlier in the day.

One night during my challenge, I had plans to see Journey at Wrigley Field, a long-awaited family outing. Right before we left, I joked with everyone that I needed a nap.

My twin brother — also a major caffeine addict — tossed me a 5-hour Energy Shot. I’d never tried one. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I drank the shot and felt relief wash over me as my body filled with energy just 20 minutes later.

Maybe I’m not meant to live a life without caffeine,I thought.


Unfortunately, my anxiety didn’t noticeably improve during this one-week challenge.


I’m self-employed as a writer and often find my most productive time is from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., when I’m full of caffeine and can plow through my work.

And the more work I get done, the less anxious I often feel. Without coffee, my morning productivity slowed. I didn’t write as quickly. My deadlines inched closer with less work than usual to show for my hours at the computer.

它’s almost as though coffee lessens my anxiety, as it gives me the energy I need to meet all of my deadlines.

Maybe it’s because my experiment was only for one week, but I never reached a place of comfort without coffee.

I still felt foggy most mornings, and unable to fully focus on my work. The headaches went away after just a few days, but my yearning for coffee did not.

I counted down the days until my challenge was over and I could once again enjoy several heavenly cups of coffee each morning.


Although life without coffee didn’t improve my anxiety or IBS, it did improve my GERD.



杰米·弗里德兰德(Jamie Friedlander)is a freelance writer and editor with a passion for health. Her work has appeared in The Cut, Chicago Tribune, Racked, Business Insider, and Success Magazine. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found traveling, drinking copious amounts of green tea, or surfing Etsy. You can see more samples of her work on herwebsite。Follow her on推特