
In short, there aren’t recent scientific studies on how coffee influences bowel habits. But one2015 study确实指出,与含咖啡因的咖啡和水相比,脱咖啡因的咖啡对术后回肠的人的排便具有重大影响。术后回肠是指腹部手术后发生的消化问题。在这种情况下,研究的患者进行了结肠手术。

There are some earlier studies from the 1990s that address the possible connection between coffee and digestion. According to a 1990调查表研究 , drinking caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee increased rectosigmoid motility. This is the movement at the intersection of the large colon’s end and the upper rectum. The study found that this movement increased within four minutes in about 29 percent of participants, while drinking plain hot water did not have the same effect.

A 1998 study found that caffeinated coffee, decaf coffee, and a 1,000-calorie meal all stimulated the colon. However, caffeinated coffee stimulated the colon 23 percent more than decaf coffee and 60 percent more than plain water.

While coffee may have a laxative effect in some people, whether it’s the coffee or the caffeine is unclear. Coffee’s effect is not solely due to caffeine, since decaf coffee has shown the same or an even greater effect. In addition, most people don’t have to poop after drinking other caffeinated beverages, such as soda or energy drinks. Still, according to theInternational Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD), excessive consumption of any caffeinated drink may cause loose stools or diarrhea. And caffeine within coffee can act as a stimulant, which might induce bile production that increases bowel movements.


The simple act of drinking coffee or any other beverage in the morning stimulates a defecation reflex known as the gastrocolic reflex. This reflex helps jump-start your bowels whenever you eat or drink. No scientific evidence exists showing that this is why you have a bowel movement after drinking coffee. However, for people withirritable bowel syndromethat have a hypersensitive gastrocolic reflex, research suggests that the potential laxative effect of coffee may stimulate bowel movements after drinking a cup of joe.

Some people believe drinking a warm or hot drink upon waking stimulates the digestive system and leads to a bowel movement. According to gastroenterologist Felice Schnoll-Sussman in aRunner’s World article, “It [the warm liquid] widens blood vessels in the digestive system and helps increase blood flow and GI activity.” Since everyone doesn’t need to hit the bathroom after drinking a warm beverage, there may also be other factors at play.

It may be argued that coffee can’t be called a laxative because it’s a diuretic. In other words, if coffee makes you urinate more and lose fluid, it’s more likely to cause dehydration and induce constipation than trigger a bowel movement. Not so, per a 2014 study 。这项研究仅测试男性,发现中等的咖啡摄入量确实notlead to dehydration and may actually help people meet their daily fluid intake requirement.

A coffee enema is a colon cleanse. It’s a remedy said to relieve constipation and reduce general toxicity in the body. The process involves pumping a combination of cooled, freshly brewed coffee and water into your colon via an enema bag and then releasing it. Any subsequent bowel movements are likely caused by the sheer volume of fluid stimulating rectal muscles and not the coffee.

There’s no evidence that coffee enemas detox the body. Although, like a regular enema, they may relieve constipation. Coffee enemas can be very risky and, as with other types of colon cleanses, may cause:

  • electrolyte imbalance
  • infection
  • increased risk of dehydration
  • 肠穿孔

It is much safer to use a commercially prepared enema that you can buy at the drugstore.

Older research has shown that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee can have a laxative affect to some degree, while newer studies are geared more toward coffee’s specific roles in digestive health. It remains unclear why some people are affected while others are not. It may be due to the amount of coffee you drink, a preexisting bowel disorder, or other tummy stimulating compounds in your brew.

What’s crystal clear is that coffee isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. According to a2015年盖洛普民意调查, almost two-thirds of adults in the United States drink an average of 2.7 cups of coffee daily.

If you’re someone who struggles with diarrhea after drinking coffee, try to limit your intake or see if drinking half caffeinated coffee and half decaf reduces your symptoms. If not, see your doctor. You may need to avoid coffee altogether.