
Gad是different from normal feelings of anxiousness. It’s common to feel anxious every once in a while about things happening in your life, such as your finances.


Gad是一种影响的相对常见的疾病3%of the U.S. population.

Sometimes people with this condition just worry, but they are unable to say what they are worried about. They report feelings that something bad may happen or that they just can’t calm themselves.


身体的andmental symptomsGAD包括:

  • perceiving situations as more threatening than they are
  • difficulty in letting go of worries
  • difficulty concentrating
  • difficulty sleeping
  • difficulty with uncertain situations
  • irritability, nervousness, overthinking, and difficulty relaxing
  • 疲劳和疲惫
  • muscle tension
  • repeated stomachaches, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal issues
  • sweaty palms
  • feeling shaky or weak
  • 心跳加速
  • 口干
  • 很容易吓跑
  • neurological symptoms, such as numbness or tingling in different parts of the body

Childhood andteenage anxietymay occur in about 1 in 4 在青少年期间的某些时候的孩子。年轻人和青少年的症状还可以包括:

  • 与同龄人合作的焦虑
  • 信心和自尊的问题
  • 过度担心或避免社会原地ations and schoolwork
  • worrying about approval from teachers and other authority figures
  • having issues with physical symptoms such as stomachaches

Distinguishing GAD from other mental health issues

焦虑是许多心理健康状况的常见症状,就像depressionand variousphobias。Gad是different from these conditions in several ways.

People with depression may occasionally feel anxious, and people who have a phobia may worry about one particular thing. People with GAD worry about a number of different topics over a long period of time (6 months or more), or they may not be able to identify the source of their worry.

GAD的原因和风险因素 may include 环境和遗传因素,如:

  • a family history of anxiety
  • recent or prolonged exposure to stressful situations, including personal or family illnesses
  • excessive use ofcaffeine或烟草,可以使现有的焦虑更糟糕
  • childhood abuse orbullying
  • certain health conditions such asthyroid problemsor心中心律失常

Some2015年证据表明,那些生活在迦得经验certain activation in areas of the brain associated with mental activity and introspective thinking when they encounter situations that could cause worry.

研究表明,GAD的普遍性很可能7.7 percent在妇女和男性中的寿命中有4.6%。


您的医生也可能会进行医疗测试,以确定是否存在潜在的疾病或药物滥用问题,导致您的症状。焦虑已经是 链接到

If your primary care professional suspects that a medical condition or substance abuse problem is causing anxiety, they may perform more tests. These may include:

  • blood tests, to check hormone levels that may indicate a thyroid disorder
  • urine tests, to check for substance abuse
  • gastric reflux tests, such as an X-ray of your digestive system or an内窥镜检查procedure to look at your esophagus to check for GERD
  • X-rays and压力测试,检查心情

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)involves meeting regularly to talk with a mental health professional.

目标的目标CBT for general anxietyis to change your thinking and behaviors. This approach 已经相关联 with lower anxiety symptoms within 12 months after treatment.

可能是 对GAD更有效 than for other types of conditions, such aspost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)orsocial anxiety disorder (SAD)

In therapy sessions, you will learn how to recognize and manage your anxious thoughts. Your therapist will also teach you how to calm yourself when upsetting thoughts arise.



If your doctor recommends medication, they will most likely create a short-term medication plan and a long-term medication plan.

Short-term medications relax some of the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as muscle tension and stomach cramping. These are called抗焦虑药物。Some common anti-anxiety medications are:

Anti-anxiety drugs are not meant to be taken for long periods of time, as they have a high risk of dependence and abuse.

Medications calledantidepressantscan work well for long-term treatment. Some common antidepressants are:

这些药物可能需要几周才能开始工作。他们也可以副作用, 如口干恶心那anddiarrhea。These symptoms can bother some people so much that they stop taking these medications.

也有一个非常低的风险 增加了自杀思想 在患有抗抑郁药治疗开始的年轻成年人。如果您服用抗抑郁药,请与您的前方保持密切联系。确保您报告担心您的任何情绪或思考变更。

Your doctor may prescribe both an anti-anxiety medication and an antidepressant. If so, you’ll probably only take the anti-anxiety medication for a few weeks until your antidepressant starts working, or on an as-needed basis.


  • 如果可能的话,经常锻炼
  • eating a balanced and nutrient-dense diet
  • getting充足的睡眠
  • doing瑜伽andmeditation
  • avoiding stimulants, such as coffee and some over-the-counter medications, such as diet pills and caffeine pills
  • 与可信赖的朋友,配偶或家庭成员谈论恐惧和忧虑

Alcohol and anxiety

喝酒可以让你几乎立刻感到不那么焦虑。这就是为什么患有焦虑的人可能turn to drinking alcohol为了感觉更好。

However, it’s important to remember that alcohol can have a negative effect on your mood. Within a few hours after drinking, or the day after, you may feel more irritability or depression.


If you find that your drinking is interfering with your daily activities, talk with your doctor. You can also find free support to stop drinking throughAlcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Most people can manage GAD with a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

Talk with your doctor if you’re concerned about how much you worry. They can refer you to a mental health specialist.