
Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. Celiac disease is also known as:

  • sprue
  • nontropical sprue
  • 面筋敏感的肠病


在腹腔疾病,免疫应答蛋白creates toxins that destroy the villi. Villi are tiny finger-like protrusions inside the small intestines. When the villi become damaged, the body is unable to absorb nutrients from food. This can lead to malnutrition and other serious health complications, including permanent intestinal damage.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, about 1 in 141 Americans has celiac disease. People with celiac disease need to eliminate all forms of gluten from their diet. This includes most bread products, baked goods, beer, and foods where gluten may be used as a stabilizing ingredient.

Celiac disease symptoms usually involve the intestines and digestive system, but they can also affect other parts of the body. Children and adults tend to have a different set of symptoms.

Celiac disease symptoms in children

Children with celiac disease can feel tired and irritable. They may also be smaller than normal and have delayed puberty. Other common symptoms include:

Celiac disease symptoms in adults

成人腹腔疾病可能digestiv经验e symptoms. In most cases, however, symptoms also affect other areas of the body. These symptoms may include:

Dermatitis herpetiformis(DH)是乳糜泻的另一种常见症状。DH是由颠簸和水泡组成的强烈发痒的皮疹。它可能会在肘部,臀部和膝盖上发展。DH大约影响15%至25%of people with celiac disease. Those who do experience DH usually don’t have digestive symptoms.

It’s important to note that symptoms can vary from person to person depending on various factors, including:

  • 某人作为婴儿母乳喂养的时间长度
  • 有人开始吃面筋的年龄
  • the amount of gluten someone eats
  • the severity of intestinal damage


Schedule an appointment with your doctor right away if you suspect that you or your child has celiac disease. When diagnosis and treatment are delayed, complications are more likely to occur.

Celiac disease runs in families. According to theUniversity of Chicago Medical Center, people have a 1 in 22 chance of developing celiac disease if their parent or sibling has the condition.

People who have otherautoimmune diseases某些遗传疾病也更有可能患有乳糜泻。与乳糜泻有关的一些疾病包括:


Doctors will also perform various tests to help confirm a diagnosis. People with celiac disease often have high levels of antiendomysium (EMA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTGA) antibodies. These can be detected with blood tests. Tests are most reliable when they’re performed while gluten is still in the diet.

Common blood tests include:

In people with DH, a skin biopsy can also help doctors diagnose celiac disease. During a skin biopsy, the doctor will remove tiny pieces of skin tissue for examination with a microscope. If the skin biopsy and blood test results indicate celiac disease, an internal biopsy may not be necessary.




Maintaining a gluten-free diet isn’t easy. Fortunately, many companies are now making gluten-free products, which can be found at various grocery stores and specialty food stores. The labels on these products will say “gluten-free.”

If you have celiac disease, it is important to know which foods are safe. Here is a series of food guidelines that can help you determine what to eat and what to avoid.


  • 小麦
  • spelt
  • rye
  • barley
  • 黑麦
  • bulgur
  • durum
  • farina
  • 格雷厄姆面粉
  • 粗粮


  • 啤酒
  • bread
  • cakes and pies
  • candy
  • 谷物
  • 饼干
  • 饼干
  • croutons
  • 肉汁
  • 模仿肉或海鲜
  • oats
  • 意大利面
  • 加工的午餐肉,香肠和热狗
  • salad dressings
  • 调味料(包括酱油)
  • 自我basting家禽
  • soups


  • buckwheat
  • corn
  • 苋菜
  • 葛根
  • cornmeal
  • flour made from rice, soy, corn, potatoes, or beans
  • 纯玉米饼
  • 藜麦
  • rice
  • 木薯


  • 新鲜的肉,鱼类和禽肉,尚未被面包屑,覆盖或腌制
  • fruit
  • 大多数乳制品
  • 淀粉蔬菜,如豌豆,土豆,包括地瓜和玉米
  • 米饭,豆类和小扁豆
  • 蔬菜
  • wine, distilled liquors, ciders, and spirits

Your symptoms should improve within days to weeks of making these dietary adjustments. In children, the intestine usually heals in three to six months. Intestinal healing may take several years in adults. Once the intestine completely heals, the body will be able to absorb nutrients properly.