
Your bloodstream transports creatinine to your kidneys, where your body filters it out through your urine. However, if your kidneys aren’t working properly, the level of creatinine in your blood can build up.

Your healthcare provider may check your blood and urine for creatinine, as well as order other tests to evaluate the health of your kidneys. Anormal level取决于您的年龄,种族,性别和体型。

异常肌酐水平可能是kidney disease


You may need a creatinine test if you have these symptoms:

  • changes in urination (frequency, pain, foaminess, or blood)
  • muscle cramps
  • 疲劳
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • puffiness around the eyes
  • swelling in the feet or ankles


Creatinine levels can also rise temporarily from strenuous exercise or using certain medications like sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, or chemotherapy drugs.


Your body needs to clean your blood to function optimally. The best way to lower your creatinine levels is to treat the underlying cause.

If your blood creatinine is high, it’s important to work with your healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan to address any medical issues that might be harming your kidney function.

Along with your medicines and other treatments, ask your healthcare provider whether the following lifestyle changes are appropriate for you.


Creatineis a natural compound made in your liver. It’s transported to your muscles where it’s used for energy. When creatine is used as energy, it’s degraded into creatinine, a metabolic byproduct.

In addition to its natural form, creatine is available as an口服补充。一些运动员使用这些产生肌酐的补充剂来帮助增强运动表现。

任何希望降低肌酐水平以提高肾脏功能的人都不应服用肌酸补充剂。虽然补充肌酸 广泛研究 ,缺乏关于肾脏疾病患者的长期研究。

Talk with your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet.

Research shows that eating large amounts of protein can increase creatinine levels ,至少暂时。尤其是煮熟的红肉会影响肌酐。烹饪的热量会导致肉中发现的肌酸产生肌酐。

People following diets very high in red meat or other protein sources, including dairy products, may have higher creatinine levels than people who eat fewer of those foods.

If you eat lots of red meat, switch to more vegetable-based dishes. Try swapping out beef burgers for:


Fiber can be found inmany foods, 包含:

  • fruits
  • 蔬菜
  • whole grains
  • 豆类

脱水can raise creatinine levels. Fluid intake can also be an issue for some people who have kidney disease.

Talk with your healthcare provider about how much water and other fluids你应该每天喝,以及最佳喝酒的时间。

Diets that include excess salt can contribute to high blood pressure. Processed foods, in particular, are often loaded with sodium and phosphorus, which studies have shown potentially cause renal issues.

Consider focusing on whole, unprocessed foods, and using spices and herbs to flavor your food when possible.

Over-the-counter painkillers likenon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)如果经常服用或在建议的剂量上服用的量可能是有害的,尤其是如果您患有肾脏疾病。


Smoking cigarettes can harm the body in a number of ways, including significantly increasing the risk of chronic kidney disease.


Alcohol consumption can be a tricky issue when it comes to kidney function.一些研究已经表明了这一点 moderate 饮酒可能有助于降低慢性肾脏疾病的风险。

Other studies 已经表明了这一点excessive alcohol has the potential to damage the kidneys. It can also contribute to conditions like high blood pressure and alcohol dependency.

If you drink alcohol, consult your healthcare provider about the safest levels for your health needs.

Excess creatinine levels can indicate serious medical conditions but also be a temporary byproduct of certain lifestyle factors or conditions.

如果你的healthcare provider finds that your creatinine levels are high, changes to your activity levels and eating, drinking, and supplementation habits may help reduce them.