

It involves significantly decreasing your carb intake and eating a high amount of fat to enter ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body burns fat for fuel instead of carbs ( 1 )。



HelloFresh is a meal kit delivery service that provides easy-to-follow recipes and high quality, preportioned ingredients.

They offer several plans and a variety of meals on their weekly menu, including options that are vegetarian, family-friendly, calorie-smart, or quick and easy.

This article reviews whether HelloFresh is keto-friendly, and what modifications you can make to ensure that it suits your diet.

HelloFresh offers a variety of meals that you can mix and match to create a customized weekly menu.

While they offer options for some dietary restrictions, there’s not currently a low carb or ketogenic menu available.

大多数膳食套件由protein source,一些蔬菜和淀粉,例如面包,意大利面,大米,玉米饼或土豆。

它们还经常采用鳄梨鳄梨酱,酸奶油,奶酪,橄榄油,,,,or butter, all of which can be useful for increasing your fat intake on the ketogenic diet.


他们还提供一些低碳水化合物包含选项25–50 grams of carbs per serving. However, these meals are not available every week.

鉴于生酮饮食通常需要每天的碳水化合物摄入量为50克或更少,因此大多数Hellofresh餐(即使是低碳水化合物的选择)也不适合标准的生酮饮食,而无需进行一些修改( 2 )。




但是,您可以在家中进行多个食谱修改,以确保它们适合ketogenic diet

Because you prepare the meals yourself, you can order the meal kits as is and easily swap in or omit certain ingredients to help decrease the carb content.


For example, in recipes that include roasted or mashed potatoes, you can use other vegetables that are lower in carbs, such as turnips,cauliflower,或腹腔。



When selecting your weekly menu, simply look for recipes that can be easily modified with low carb ingredients.




Although most HelloFresh meals are not keto-friendly, you can easily modify certain recipes at home to help decrease the carb content and add more fat.


虽然有些low carboptions are available, most HelloFresh meals are too high in carbs to fit into a standard ketogenic diet.

However, you can make several modifications to HelloFresh recipes to help reduce their carb contents and add more fat to your meals when following a ketogenic diet.


If you want to give HelloFresh a try, get started here.