Potassium is an important nutrient and electrolyte — it helps muscles work, including those involved in breathing and keeping your heart beating.

But too much potassium in your system, known as hyperkalemia, can cause serious health problems. And people with kidney disease aremore prone发展高钾血症。

If you have kidney disease, here are five things you need to know about hyperkalemia in honor of National Kidney Month this March.


Normally, the body uses the potassium it needs and processes any excess potassium as waste. People with normal kidney function can typically eat a high potassium diet without issue.


“The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining a normal potassium balance by adjusting the amount of potassium excreted in the urine according to changes in potassium intake,” saidCsaba P. Kovesdy,,,,MD, a nephrologist and professor of medicine-nephrology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, and member of the National Kidney Foundation.




Up to half of those in predialysis stages of CKD may develop hyperkalemia. People with CKD who also have diabetes or cardiovascular disease are at especially high risk, as are those with advanced CKD, kidney transplant recipients, and those taking renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitors.

Kidney disease isn’t the only cause of hyperkalemia. High potassium can result from ingesting too much of the nutrient via food or supplements.



For example, ACE inhibitors, used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, block potassium excretion and increase the risk of hyperkalemia in people who take these drugs to treat these conditions.


即使症状确实出现 - 肌肉无力,麻木,刺痛,恶心 - 它们往往是温和的,很难归因于高钾。随着时间的流逝,这些症状会缓慢发展,然后来来去去。



The most serious symptom of hyperkalemia is cardiac arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat.

High potassium levels can interfere with the electrical signals involved in the function of the thick middle muscle layer of the heart, called the myocardium.

The resulting arrhythmias can lead to a heart attack — sometimes without warning, and sometimes fatal.


A simple blood test can detect high levels of potassium in the blood. In fact, many people learn that they have hyperkalemia from the results of routine blood work or a basic metabolic panel that’s’ done for other health reasons.

正常血钾水平范围约为3.6至5.0毫米/升(mmol/L)。如果您的血液钾水平高于此范围,则可能患有高钾血症。超过6.0 mmol/L的水平被认为是严重的。

If you’re looking at your blood test results, blood potassium levels may be listed as “potassium,” “serum potassium,” or “K.”

“Potassium measurement is part of most routine laboratory tests that are typically performed in patients with kidney disease,” said Kovesdy. “More frequent testing is typically done in patients who have advanced stages of kidney disease, precisely because of the higher likelihood of the development of various metabolic abnormalities, of which hyperkalemia is one.”



The first step is to switch to a low potassium diet. Since individual potassium needs vary (you will still need to consume some), your healthcare provider or dietitian can help design an eating plan that’s right for your overall health and nutritional needs.


Hyperkalemia can also be treated with medical interventions.



If you are diagnosed with hyperkalemia, it can be treated with dietary modifications and medical interventions. Taking steps to control high potassium can help reduce the risk of related medical emergencies.