Your body needs potassium in order for your nerves and muscles to function well. But in the case of potassium, more isn’t better.

If you have hyperkalemia, it means you have high levels of potassium in your blood.




That can make it hard to perform daily activities that previously weren’t difficult. You might also experience muscle soreness, cramping, or pain from minor physical exertion.




People with certain health conditions have an increased risk of developing hyperkalemia. These conditions include:

  • 肾脏疾病
  • heart failure
  • diabetes


If you’re experiencing side effects or think the medications aren’t working, continue to take them until you can consult with your doctor.




钾中高的食物是含有的食物超过250毫克of potassium in a half-cup serving. Some of these foods include:

  • fresh fruits like bananas, fruit juices like orange juice, or dried fruits like apricots
  • 土豆,地瓜和菠菜等蔬菜
  • legumes like lentils, kidney beans, and soybeans
  • 低或非脂肪乳制品,包括牛奶和牛奶产品


  • meat
  • poultry

So, when it comes to a low potassium diet, it’s vital to make sure you’re getting the right balance of all essential nutrients for your muscles and your overall health.


Consult with your doctor before starting a low potassium diet, especially if you have kidney disease, heart failure, or diabetes.

You may want to ask for a referral to a dietician. A few sessions can get you started in the right direction.


一个number of natural products may help improve muscle fatigue or boost energy, according to a 2017年研究评论 。其中一些是:

  • 肌酸
  • 鱼油
  • garlic
  • ginseng
  • 罗迪奥拉玫瑰山
  • 维生素B12

一个lways check with your doctor before adding dietary supplements to your regimen. Natural products may interact with medications or make existing health problems worse.




一些盐substitutes contain potassium, though, so choose carefully. Ask your doctor to recommend a salt substitute or work with a dietician to lower your salt intake.


Exercise can help combat muscle fatigue, but it’s important to speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.


In healthy individuals, blood potassium levels normalize within minutes after exercising and is no cause for concern. But for people with hyperkalemia or heart disease, it can trigger a life threatening heart issue called exercise-induced arrhythmia.

Being in good physical shape can help. But until you get the green light from your doctor, avoid strenuous exercise.


  • 拉伸
  • walking
  • 练习瑜伽或太极拳

While you should be well hydrated when you exercise, people with kidney disease may be instructed to limit fluid intake.


Listen to your body. When you feel fatigued, take a 15-minute relaxation break. If your leg muscles are tired, elevate them.


7. Get a good night’s sleep

一个 2017年横断面研究 examined the relationship between sleep and muscle strength in more than 10,000 Chinese university students ages 16 to 30.

Results found that good sleep quality is associated with greater muscle strength. Not getting enough sleep and poor sleep quality were associated with an increased risk of muscle mass reduction.

疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) 建议大多数成年人每天晚上睡7到9个小时。

8. Work in partnership with your doctor


Your doctor can keep tabs on your entire health profile and work with you to make decisions about your individual health.



  • 心pal
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • 呕吐

这se symptoms may be a sign of sudden or severe hyperkalemia that requires immediate medical care.

