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“Oh, my aching back” is a phrase you’ve no doubt heard before. You may have even uttered it yourself. People with arthritis are all too familiar with an achingback,neck,膝盖, 和hips.

The ache of early arthritis can be classified in two different ways:painand tenderness. You might also feel sharper pain when moving your affected joint in a certain way, such as when opening a jar with arthritic fingers.

压痛is the discomfort you feel when pressing down on the joint. Tenderness can also include visibleswellingin the area of the joint, but this is more common in advanced stages of OA.

随着关节痛stiffness. Joint stiffness is normal when you first wake up or have been sitting at your desk all day. It’s also a sign of early OA. That wooden feeling that makes you feel sluggish and slow might make you want to head back to bed, but resist the urge. People with arthritis often start to feel better once they have warmed up their joints through some轻柔的运动or even just going about their daily routines.

软骨本来是一种减震器,可帮助您的关节顺利移动。当软骨磨损时,骨头摩擦会产生多种异常感觉。关节的光栅在OA的人中很常见。这是骨骼一起摩擦的表现。您可能还会感觉到或听到关节点击或crackingwhen you move.

People in the early stages of arthritis may notice that moving the affected areas of their bodies is not as easy as it once was. Joint stiffness and pain can contribute to loss of flexibility, also called损失运动范围. Range of motion is the extent to which you can move your joints in their normal patterns. For example, fully bending and extending your knee is its range of motion. If you have arthritis, you might not be able to bend your knee as far. Loss of flexibility is usually a very gradual process.



You and your healthcare provider can create anOA管理计划together to relieve arthritis pain.Over-the-counter pain relievers, braces to support the joint, and range-of-motion exercises can help you maintain independence and an active lifestyle.