Constipation is a common complication in people with diabetes. Learn why and what you can do to relieve it.

Living with diabetes means paying careful attention to all systems of your body. Some complications of diabetes are easily avoided or managed with proper blood sugar management.

Depending on the type of diabetes, medication may be required to manage blood sugars and to protect the heart, kidney, brain, and other organs affected by diabetes.

When it comes to managingconstipation, though, diet and lifestyle changes may not be enough. Here’s what to know about why it occurs more often in people withdiabetesand what you can do about it.

Constipation can be defined as having fewer than three regular bowel movements each week. It can also be defined as unsatisfactory bowel movements with stools that are infrequent and difficult to pass.

It can be unpleasant and even painful.

Anolder studyfound that constipation is more common in people with diabetes. It’s estimated that around 60% of people with long-standing diabetes deal with constipation.

损害神经系统是一个已知的长期complication of diabetes. High blood sugar levels from type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead todiabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage. Damage to the nerves controlling the digestive tract can lead to constipation,diarrhea, andincontinence.

Poor blood sugar control over a long period of time may increase the likelihood and frequency of constipation.

In addition to lifestyle choices and neuropathy, people with diabetes sometimes take medications that can slow gut mobility and cause constipation. Talk with your doctor about the side effects of any medications you take.

Daily diabetes tip

If you feel stopped up from time to time, you’re not alone. Recent research indicates that constipation is common in people with diabetes.

Find relief by starting with natural solutions:

  • Eat more fiber
  • Drink more water
  • Increase physical activity

If you don’t notice improvement, talk with your doctor about moving on to fiber supplements, stool softeners, or laxatives.

Natural options

Simple solutions are the best place to start. Try increasing yourfiber intake, drinkingmore water, and getting more regularphysical activity. All of these can help the digestive system function more smoothly.

While starting with natural solutions for constipation may prove helpful, people with diabetes could find that these solutions do little good if there are bigger underlying problems.


Laxativesmay also provide relief, but you should use them carefully. Before moving on to laxatives as a potential treatment, consult with your doctor. Some laxatives are not intended for long-term use.

Your doctor may be able to find the least intensive treatment to ease your bowel movements. They may have you try:

Blood sugar management

In many cases, proper blood sugar management is the best solution for regulating digestion and constipation in diabetes. It prevents nerve damage that can lead to constipation, no matter your diet or activity level.

While constipation can be a sign of poor long-term diabetes management, it could also be due to something as simple as not getting enough fiber.

By moving from the simplest to the most intensive solutions with the help of your doctor, you may find that your constipation can be managed with lifestyle changes and without the need for medication.