Losing someone you love, whether to time, distance, or a breakup, can be one of the worst feelings in the world. As you wait for your feelings to settle, know that there are ways that you can find comfort, including focusing on self-care and surrounding yourself with your support system.

Instagram故事#feedingabrokenheartparticularly inspired us. After her newborn passed away, Lindsay, the founder of捏合, started#feedingabrokenheart。It’s a series she says is dedicated to “helping those who are hurting to find their way again through food.” We’ve paired up a few stories that touched our soul with ways that food (and love) really can get you back on your feet a little faster.

舒适食品可以提供 - 舒适。用户@foodpleasurehealth从冰箱剩菜店中鞭打了一个最喜欢的人,这使她想起了她的童年时代。对于其他人来说,一块丰富的Mac和奶酪可以让人怀旧。研究shows these triggered memories of happier times can actually increase your mood, which can also help soothe some of the hurt.



A 2006 study 发现吃巧克力在许多参与者中促进了欢乐。如果您要像上面的那样搅打一批健康的椰子油饼干,请选择与可可大部分的黑巧克力。黑巧克力的抗氧化剂比白巧克力,牛奶巧克力或松露要少得多。

Cooking serves as a creative outlet. Think of it as therapy. The sensory, immersive experience can help take your mind off things and activate your numbed-from-stress senses.

Cooking a meal exactly how you love it can also provide a sense of accomplishment and immediate gratification, which is always a plus if your self-esteem needs a boost.


For her dear friend after the her father’s passing,@soulmydaintyc滚动了这个素食寿司盘。虽然舒适食品是一个不错的选择,但也要记住滋养您的身体。您的身体感觉越好,您的感觉就越好。像这样的美味,营养丰富的食物将帮助您的身体获得所有维生素,能量和情绪,从而提高其需求。

There are certain foods you can eat that have great effects on mental health. Probiotics, for example, reduce anxiety and improve mental outlook.地中海饮食are also helpful to prevent depression.


如果您需要另一个舒适食品的案例,请通过@pinchofyum。一些食物,例如奶酪,鸡蛋,鲑鱼和坚果,可以帮助提升5-羟色胺的水平。Serotoninis a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep and impulse control (both of which are sometimes needed during a time of heartbreak). Elevated levels of serotonin can mean an elevated mood.


In honor of her father,@megsmckeehanremade this dish of Mexican corn cakes. Cooking requires you to be conscious of what you’re doing in that exact moment. It gets you to engage in mindfulness, which has multiple health benefits, including stress and anxiety reduction. Most of all, it can take your mind off the hurt that you’re feeling. One学习found that having a creative goal during the day, like cooking, inspired a positive effect in participants.

这比以往任何时候都更真实,因为我们从分享的惊人故事中得知#feedingabrokenheart系列。百胜的创始人,@lindsaymostrom, says it best in her own words about the series.

When you’re hurting and heartbroken, you need your support system around you. And food is a fantastic way to bring people together. Whether you’re cooking dinner with friends or heading out, bonding with your support system over delicious food is a great step toward healing.

Keep reading: Healthy eating for depression »