What is acupuncture?

Acupunctureis a component oftraditional Chinese medicine. Duringacupuncture, tiny needles are inserted into the skin at variouspressure pointsacross the body.

According to Chinese tradition, acupuncture helpsbalance the flow of energy, or qi (pronounced “chee”), within your body. This new energy balance stimulates the body’s healing abilities.

From the point of view of Western medicine, acupuncture stimulates the nerves and muscles. This helps boost the body’s response to pain, andimproves blood circulation.

Acupuncture is commonly used to treatheadaches,back painandjoint pain. It’s also used to treat neurological and digestive disorder symptoms like:

Acupuncture is a technique used to treat pain and relieve discomfort.

The needles used in acupuncture are inserted into your body’spressure pointsto stimulate the nervous system. This releasesendorphins, your body’snatural painkillers, in themuscles,spine, andbrain. This technique changes your body’s response to pain.

Many people with neuropathy turn to acupuncture to relieve theirchronic pain. Acupuncture also stimulates blood flow to restore nerve damage.

Though research is still being done to test the effectiveness of acupuncture onperipheral neuropathy, there have been some successful studies.

In 2007, a pilot study confirmed that acupuncture as an alternative treatment improved symptoms for more neuropathic patients than those receiving traditional medical care.

Acupuncture carries little to no risk if performed by a licensed professional.

Side effects may include:

  • Pain and bruising.You may experience minor pain or discomfort at needle sites after an acupuncture treatment. You may also have light bleeding.
  • Injury.If performed improperly, needles could be pushed into the skin too deeply and injure an organ orlung.
  • Infection.针灸针required to besterile. If a practitioner uses未经消毒的针头or reuses old needles, you could be exposed to life-threatening diseases.

Not all people are qualified candidates for acupuncture. Some conditions may cause complications, including:

  • Bleeding disorders.If you are medically diagnosed with ableeding disorderor are actively takingblood thinners, your needle sites may have difficulty healing.
  • Pregnancy.如果你怀孕了,咨询你的医生一家r to pursuing this alternative treatment. Some acupuncture techniques may triggerearly laborandpremature delivery.
  • Heart issues.Some acupuncture techniques involve applying heat or electrical pulses to needles sites to stimulate nerve responses. If you have apacemaker, electrical currents may impact the operation of your device.

In addition to acupuncture, you can use home remedies to treat symptoms of neuropathy.

Regular exercisehelps to increaseblood circulationthroughout the body, specifically the arms and legs. Increased blood circulation can help torestore nerve damageand reduce neuropathic pain. Exercise can also help tolower blood sugar levels, aid inweight loss, andstrengthen the body.

Another home treatment for pain involves limiting youralcohol intake.Alcoholcanincrease nerve damage, and is sometimes the cause of neuropathy.

Taking awarm bathis also thought to sootheneuropathic pain. Warm water stimulates the body and increase blood circulation. As a result, pain symptoms decrease.

If you’re looking for alternative treatments forneuropathic pain, in addition to traditional treatment methods, you may find success with acupuncture. Be sure to work with a licensed acupuncturist who has the appropriate credentials.

Before you get started with acupuncture, talk with your doctor aboutwhat’s causing your neuropathy.Without a proper medical diagnosis and professional recommendation for treatment, acupuncture may worsen pain symptoms or cause injury.

Talk to your doctor if you begin experiencing pain or other irregular symptoms from your acupuncture treatment.