当你有局部疼痛,你会怎么做?你reach for it. Often without conscious thought, your hand goes to the area of discomfort and massages it. Understanding the basics of acupressure could make this mindless self-massage even more beneficial, helping you to relax and even manage chronic pain.

Acupressure has its foundation in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), where it has been in use for over2,000年。It’s a method of activating the body’s self-healing mechanisms to treat illness and alleviate pain. Like acupuncture, which uses tiny needles, acupressure stimulates the body at certain meridians, or pressure points.

“中国医学模型发现,人体被这些无形的能量线纵横交错,”佛罗里达综合医学学院的持牌针灸师兼教练史蒂夫·莫罗(Steve Moreau)博士解释说。“ TCM理论还认为,每个子午线途径都与特定器官相连。正是这种特定点的互连使穴位符号起作用。”

Is it effective? The research says yes. 一份评论 发现指数有效减轻十项研究中的九项疼痛。凭借具有2000年历史的往绩,这种疼痛管理方法无疑经受了时间的考验。



  • Set aside several minutes.
  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Relax, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.
  • 在小旋转或
    up-and-down movement.

Neck and shoulder pain are often the result of stress and can lead to what are commonly referred to as tension headaches. Dr. Moreau says there are several pressure points to use in the relief of shoulder pain, beginning with one of the most commonly used points.

“The first and easiest to find is between the web of the thumb and the first finger,” he says.

  1. 按牢固的压力按下,直到感到温和
  2. Hold for five seconds.
  3. 释放并重复三次。

There are two main pressure points that can help with lower back pain, says Moreau. The first is on your waist:

  1. 站起来,轻轻抓住你的腰
  2. 用拇指到位,施加圆形
  3. 重复三遍。


  1. 使用相同的循环运动和压力,
  2. Release and repeat two more times.




Moreau recommends following this pressure technique for each of the pressure points, keeping the pressure firm but not painful.

These practices can be done several times each day, but Moreau says you should give your body a break if any points are sore to the touch. He recommends starting with light pressure and gradually moving to a more firm touch.
