What is peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy是一个原因的条件弱点,pain, andnumbnessin your extremities (typically thehandsfeet).

Yourperipheral nervessend messages from yourbrainspinal cordto the rest of your body. When thosenerves are damaged, these messages are interrupted and affect how yourbody responds to pain,temperature, and other reflexes.

It’s often a result of damage to theperipheral nerves。A few things can cause this damage:

The effects of peripheral neuropathy can develop suddenly or can spread slowly over time.

治疗methods vary depending on the cause of the condition. Many natural and traditional methods focus onalleviating pain symptoms

Symptoms from peripheral neuropathy depend on the type ofnerves damaged。The three types aremotor nerves,sensory nerves, and自主神经

Motor nerves

Yourmotor nervessend messages from the brain to the muscles so you can control your movements.

If your motor nerves are affected, you may experience symptoms including:

Sensory nerves

Sensory nerves send messages from other body parts to the brain andtrigger your senses。When you experience a cold sensation or touch something sharp, you are using your sensory nerves.

If your peripheral neuropathy affects your sensory nerves, you may experience:

Autonomic nerves

These nerves control involuntary and semi-voluntary functions includingblood pressure,心率,bladder functions, and出汗

If your autonomic nerves are affected from peripheral neuropathy, you may experience symptoms including:

外周神经病变治疗取决于原因。一些常见的治疗涉及physical therapy,手术,和针刺增加神经压力。Other treatments focus on reducing pain and discomfort with over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

There are also a number of natural treatments to help reduce symptoms and peripheral neuropathy.

1. Vitamins

Some cases of peripheral neuropathy are related to维生素缺陷Vitamin Bis essential for your nerve health. A deficiency can lead to significant nerve damage.

While you can getvitamin B从你的饮食,你的医生也会建议助教king a supplement. Stick to the recommended dose to prevent toxicity and worsening symptoms.

Vitamin D can also help prevent nerve pain. Your skin typically producesvitamin D面对阳光。缺乏会导致东北uropathy pain. Taking a supplement can help reduce the symptoms of neuropathy.

2. Cayenne pepper

辣椒contains capsaicin, an ingredient inhot peppersthat makes them spicy.Capsaicinhas been used intopical creamsfor its pain relief properties. It decreases the intensity of pain signals sent through the body.

Incorporatingcayenne pepperin your diet or taking acapsaicin supplement能够help to reduce neuropathy pain.

局部辣椒素软膏能够also be used on the body. Although it may initially burn, continued use will gradually reduce neuropathy sensations.

Be sure to discuss this treatment method with your doctor before using it to prevent adverse symptoms.

3. Quit smoking

Smokingaffects your血液循环。血管狭窄,含氧血液较少。没有proper blood circulation, you may experience increased numbness and pain from your peripheral neuropathy.Eliminating smoking habits能够help to improve your symptoms. Let this motivate you to make positive changes.

4. Warm bath

洗澡能够be soothing and can also alleviate pain symptoms from neuropathy. Warm water increases blood circulation throughout the body, decreasing pain symptoms from numbness.

If your sensory nerves are affected from peripheral neuropathy and you’re not as sensitive to temperature, be careful not to make your bath water too hot.

5. Exercise

Regular exercise能够help to combat pain and improve your overall health.Being active能够reduce your blood sugar, which, in turn, can reduce or slow down nerve damage. Exercise also increases blood flow to your arms and legs and reduces stress. These are all factors that help to reduce discomfort and pain.

6. Essential oils

Some essential oils, including chamomile andRoman lavender, help to increase circulation in the body. They also have pain-relieving andanti-inflammatoryproperties that could boost healing.

Dilute essential oils (a few drops) in 1 ounce of a carrier oil such as olive oil. Applying these diluted oils to the affected area can reduce stinging and tingling pains from peripheral neuropathy.

7. Meditation

Meditation techniques能够help people struggling with neuropathy symptoms live through their pain. It can help tolower stress, improve yourcoping skills, and decrease your pain intensity. Taking a mind-body approach is a noninvasive technique that provides you with more control over your condition.

8. Acupuncture

Acupuncturepromotes natural healing by stimulating thebody’s pressure points。This technique triggers thenervous systemto release chemicals that can change the pain experience or threshold. Acupuncture helps to provide an energy balance to the body that can affect your emotional well-being.


Natural remedies have some success in alleviating the pain symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. However, be sure to consult with your doctor prior to participating in a new treatment method. If you begin experiencing irregular symptoms from natural remedies, or if your conditions worsen, visit a doctor immediately.