If you have diabetes, you might have heard your doctor or healthcare professional mention estimated average glucose (eAG).

But, what exactly is eAG, what does it tell you about your blood sugar levels, and why’s it important?

This article will help answer these questions and explain why it’s helpful to know what your eAG is if you have diabetes.


要测量您的EAG,您需要服用A1C blood test

Unlike your dailyblood glucose readingsthat measure your blood sugar level at that moment, eAG looks at the bigger picture. Your eAG measures your typical blood sugar level over the past few months.


  • diagnosing both糖尿病and diabetes
  • 佐证每日血糖监测结果
  • determining whether your diabetes treatment plan is helping
  • 改变糖尿病治疗计划
  • 加强healthy lifestyle and diet选择


A1C(%) EAG(mg/dl) EAG(mmol/l)
4 68 3.8
5 97 5.4
6 126 7.0
7 154 8.6
8 183 10.1
9 212 11。8
10 240 13.4
11 269 14.9
12 298 16.5

Alternatively, you can use this在线计算器from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to determine your eAG using your A1C and vice versa.

这re’s a direct relationship between A1C and eAG values, as represented by the following formula:

EAG(mg/dl)= 28.7 x A1C - 46.7

通常,A1C和EAG读数都提供有关您最近血糖水平的相同信息,例如,您是否是您的治疗计划is helping.


这re’s no single eAG target for everyone. Your doctor will help you determine an appropriate target according to your age and circumstances. In addition, your target eAG may change over time.

通常,鼓励大多数非怀孕的糖尿病成年人保持低于154 mg/dl(8.6 mmol/l)的EAG。这对应于不到7%的A1C测试结果。


  • Normal range:小于114 mg/dl
  • 糖尿病范围:greater than 114 mg/dL and less than 140 mg/dL
  • 糖尿病范围:大于140 mg/dl

如上所示,更高的坚毅不屈值指示进行her average blood glucose levels over the past few months. If you’re in the prediabetes or diabetes range, you may be at an increased risk of developing diabetes并发症



According to the2021糖尿病护理指南provided by the ADA, people with well-controlled diabetes should undergo an A1C blood test to determine their eAG at least twice per year.



这readings on your monitor provide a snapshot of your blood sugar at a particular point in time. Your monitor might automatically calculate an average of all of these readings. But this number isn’t the same as your eAG.

Your eAG accounts for your blood glucose levels 24 hours per day, including the times when you’re not likely to test. As the name suggests, it’s an estimate based on yourA1C test results


Your eAG can help both you and your healthcare team understand your blood glucose levels over a 60- or 90-day period.


你的医生会帮助你确定一个合适的eAG target based on your age and additional factors. Depending on your eAG reading, your doctor may make changes to your diabetes treatment plan.