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Talcum powder has been used in cosmetics, such as baby powder, for more than a century. It can absorb moisture and keep skin dry and cool.


Thesafety of talcum powder在很大程度上是因为滑石有与癌症有关的石棉痕迹。

But because people with testicles sometimes use talcum powder to absorb sweat and moisture in the groin area, concerns about a link between talcum powder and testicular cancer remains.

There’s been no definitive research that specifically links talcum powder to testicular cancer risk, but it’s worth knowing more about this popular product before using it.

Read on to learn more on what we know about talcum powder and cancer.


  • silicon

When inhaled, asbestos can cause scarring of the lungs — a condition known asasbestosis.

Asbestos has also been labeled a carcinogen, withmesothelioma最常见的肺癌类型与该物质有关。

The National Cancer Institute 注意到,石棉暴露与胃和结直肠癌的风险升高有关。


A 2017 meta-analysis 发现有和没有石棉的滑石粉与癌症风险类似升高有关。

This suggests that the cancer risk long-associated with talc may be related to factors apart from the presence of asbestos.

In a 2008研究分析 of environmental and occupational causes of various cancers, researchers found that talc was primarily associated with various lung cancers.




但是,科学家继续在许多产品中找到石棉痕迹。在2020年, FDA 宣布对化妆品的研究发现了52种产品中9种石棉。


Of all the cancer concerns about talcum powder, the association with ovarian cancer appears to be the strongest.

A2019 research review在30种不同的研究中,发现在会阴区域(外阴和肛门之间的空间)中使用滑石粉是卵巢癌的“可能原因”。

However, a 2020 research analysis involving more than 250,000 women in long-term health studies found “no statistically significant association” between talcum powder use in the genital area and the incidence of ovarian cancer.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests that because ovarian cancer is somewhat uncommon, even large studies may not be able to detect slight risk increases.

However, the ACS also notes that this possible association remains an active area of research, in part because talc is still used in many products on the market today.

What this means about testicular cancer

There hasn’t been the same level of research conducted with talcum powder and ovarian cancer as there has been between talcum powder and testicular cancer.

But just as talcum powder used near the vulva could pose a risk to the nearby ovaries, talcum powder used near the testicles could potentially pose a similar risk.

Again, there’s no evidence of such a connection, but talc’s possible role as a carcinogen raises concerns.

如果您正在寻找替代治疗睾丸出汗过多, you have several safe options that don’t include talcum powder.

消费者倡导组织药物观看recommends the following talcum powder alternatives:

  • 玉米淀粉。The primary ingredient in various organic baby powders, cornstarch absorbs moisture in a way similar to talcum powder.
  • Baby powder.应将其与玉米淀粉或其他安全成分混合在一起,以使其减少皮肤刺激性。
  • 木薯淀粉。这种替代品来自南美的木薯植物。
  • Kaolin clay.An absorbent substance, kaolin clay is an ingredient in a variety of soaps, powders, and other cosmetic products.
  • Oat flour.这种粗糙的产品由燕麦组成。


If you have a condition such ashyperhidrosis(这会导致出汗过多,即使在凉爽的天气或没有扳机开始出汗),您可能需要药物或手术来干扰汗腺。



The possible cancer risk associated with talcum powder is uncertain, since studies have produced a range of findings.

There is a stronger suggestion that talcum powder may be linked to ovarian cancer risk, but there is no similar evidence directly connecting talc and testicular cancer.

If you are concerned about avoiding cancer risk, consider using other products, like cornstarch, that absorb moisture and keep the skin dry and cool. If testicular sweat seems to be a concern, talk with your doctor about your options.