
If you’ve noticed some pain, swelling, itching, or redness in your eye, you likely have an eye infection. Eye infections fall into three specific categories based on their cause: viral, bacterial, or fungal, and each is treated differently.

The good news is eye infections aren’t hard to spot, so you can seek treatment quickly.


Infectiousconjunctivitis, or pink eye, is one of the most common eye infections. It happens when blood vessels in the conjunctiva, the thin outermost membrane surrounding your eyeball, become infected by bacteria or a virus.


It can also result from allergies or exposure to chemicals, like chlorine, in swimming pools.


  • reddish or pinkish tint to your eyes
  • watery discharge from your eyes that’s thickest when you wake up
  • itchiness or feeling like there’s something constantly in your eyes
  • 产生比平时更多的眼泪,尤其是在一只眼睛中


  • Bacterial:Antibiotic eye drops, ointments, or oral medications to help kill bacteria in your eyes. After starting antibiotics, symptoms fade in a couple of days.
  • Viral:No treatment exists. Symptoms tend to fade after 7 to 10 days. Apply a clean, warm, wet cloth to your eyes to relieve discomfort, wash hands frequently, and avoid contact with others.
  • Allergic:非处方(OTC)抗组胺药,例如苯羟基胺(Benadryl)或Loratadine(Claritin),有助于缓解过敏症状。抗组胺药可以作为眼滴,而抗炎眼滴也可以帮助症状。

Infectiouskeratitishappens when your cornea gets infected. The cornea is the clear layer that covers your pupil and iris. Keratitis results from either an infection (bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic) or an eye injury. Keratitis means swelling of the cornea and isn’t always infectious.


  • redness and swelling in your eye
  • eye pain or discomfort
  • 产生比平时或异常排放更多的眼泪
  • 疼痛or discomfort when you open and close your eyelids
  • loss of some vision or blurry vision
  • light sensitivity
  • 有东西粘在你眼中的感觉


  • you wear contact lenses
  • your immune system is weak from another condition or illness
  • you live somewhere that’s humid and warm
  • 您使用皮质类固醇激素的眼睛疾病
  • your eye is injured, especially by plants with chemicals that can get into your eye

See your doctor as soon as possible to stop the infection if you notice any keratitis symptoms. Some treatments for keratitis include:

  • Bacterial.抗菌眼滴通常可以在几天内清除角膜炎感染。口服抗生素通常用于治疗更严重的感染。
  • Fungal.You’ll need antifungal eye drops or medication to kill the fungal organisms causing your keratitis. This can take weeks to months.
  • Viral.There’s no way to eliminate a virus. Oral antiviral medications or eyedrops can help stop the infection in a few days up to a week. Viral keratitis symptoms may later return even with treatment.

Endophthalmitis是由于细菌或真菌感染而导致的眼睛内部的严重炎症。Candidafungal infections are the most common cause of endophthalmitis.

This condition can happen after certain eye surgeries, such as cataract surgery, although this is rare. It may also happen after your eye is penetrated by an object. Some symptoms to watch out for, especially after surgery or an eye injury, include:

  • mild to severe eye pain
  • 部分或完全视力丧失
  • 视力模糊
  • 眼睛和眼皮周围发红或肿胀
  • eye pus or discharge
  • 对明亮灯光的敏感性

Treatment depends on what causes the infection and how severe it is.

First, you’ll need antibiotics injected directly into your eye with a special needle to help stop the infection. You may also receive a corticosteroid shot to relieve inflammation.

如果您的眼睛吸引了您的眼睛并引起感染,则需要立即将其清除。在这些情况下,请寻求紧急医疗护理 - 切勿尝试自己从眼中删除对象。

After antibiotics and object removal, your symptoms can begin to get better in a few days.

Blepharitisis an inflammation of your eyelids, the skin folds covering your eyes. This type of inflammation is usually caused by clogging of the oil glands inside the eyelid skin at the base of your eyelashes. Blepharitis may be caused by bacteria.

Symptoms of blepharitis include:

  • 眼睛或眼睑发红,发痒,肿胀
  • eyelid oiliness
  • sensation of burning in your eyes
  • feeling like something’s stuck in your eyes
  • sensitivity to light
  • producing more tears than usual
  • crustiness on your eyelashes or corners of your eyes

You’re more likely to develop blepharitis if you:

  • have scalp or eyebrow dandruff
  • 对您的眼睛或脸部化妆过敏
  • have oil glands that don’t work properly
  • have lice or mites on your eyelashes
  • take certain medications that affect your immune system

Treatments for blepharitis include:

  • 用干净的水清洁眼睑并在眼睑上涂一条温暖,湿干净的毛巾,以减轻肿胀
  • using corticosteroid eye dropsor ointments to help with inflammation
  • 使用润滑眼滴to moisten your eyes and prevent irritation from dryness
  • taking antibiotics作为口服药物,滴眼剂或软膏应用于眼睑

Asty(also called a hordeolum) is a pimple-like bump that develops from an oil gland on the outer edges of your eyelids. These glands can get clogged with dead skin, oils, and other matter and allow bacteria to overgrow in your gland. The resulting infection causes a sty.

Sty symptoms include:

  • 疼痛或温柔
  • itchiness or irritation
  • 肿胀
  • producing more tears than usual
  • crustiness around your eyelids
  • increased tear production

Some treatments for sties include:

  • applying a clean, warm, damp clothto your eyelids for 20 minutes at a time a few times a day
  • using mild, scent-free soap and waterto clean your eyelids
  • taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), to help with pain and swelling
  • stopping use of contact lensesor eye makeup until the infection goes away
  • 使用抗生素软膏to help kill the infectious overgrowth

看到你的医生如果派n or swelling gets worse, even with treatment. A sty should disappear in about 7 to 10 days. If it doesn’t, ask your doctor about other possible treatments.

葡萄膜炎happens when your uvea gets inflamed from infection. The uvea is the central layer of your eyeball that transports blood to your retina — the part of your eye that transmits images to your brain.

葡萄膜炎often results from immune system conditions, viral infections, or eye injuries. Uveitis doesn’t usually cause any long-term problems, but you can lose vision if a severe case isn’t treated.


  • eye redness
  • 疼痛
  • 视野中的“浮动器”
  • sensitivity to light
  • 视力模糊

Treatment for uveitis may include:

  • 戴着黑色的眼镜
  • eye drops that open up your pupil to relieve pain
  • 皮质类固醇眼滴或口服类固醇,以缓解炎症
  • 注射眼睛以治疗症状
  • oral antibiotics for infections that have spread beyond your eye
  • 制服您的免疫系统的药物(严重病例)

葡萄膜炎usually starts to improve after a few days of treatment. Types that affect the back of your eye, called posterior uveitis, may take longer — up to several months if it’s caused by an underlying condition.

Eyelid cellulitis, or periorbital cellulitis, happens when eye tissues get infected. It’s often caused by an injury like a scratch to your eye tissues that introduces infectious bacteria, such asStaphylococcus(staph), or from bacterial infections of nearby structures, such as sinus infections.

Young children are more likely to get cellulitis because they’re at higher risk of infection due to the type of bacteria that causes this condition.


Treatment for cellulitis may include:

  • applying a warm, damp, clean towelto your eye for 20 minutes at a time to relieve inflammation
  • taking oral antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, or IV antibiotics for children under 4
  • 接受手术以减轻压力within your eye if the infection becomes very severe (this rarely happens)

当您的眼睛被单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)感染时,就会发生眼疱疹。通常被称为eye herpes.

眼疱疹is spread by contact with someone who has an active HSV-1 infection, not through sexual contact (that’s HSV-2). Symptoms tend to infect one eye at a time, and include:

  • eye pain and irritation of the eye
  • sensitivity to light
  • 视力模糊
  • 眼纸或角膜眼泪
  • thick, watery discharge
  • eyelid inflammation


Treatment may include:

  • antiviral medication, such as acyclovir (Zovirax), as eye drops, oral medications, or topical ointments
  • debridement, or brushing off your cornea with cotton to get rid of infected cells
  • 如果感染进一步扩散到您的眼睛(基质),皮质类固醇眼睛会减轻炎症

Do the following to help prevent eye infections or keep viral infections from recurring:

  • 不要用脏手触摸您的眼睛或脸。
  • Bathe regularly and wash your hands frequently.
  • Follow ananti-inflammatory diet.
  • 在眼睛上使用干净的毛巾和纸巾。
  • Don’t share eye and face makeup with anyone.
  • Wash your bedsheets and pillowcases at least once a week.
  • 戴着良好的隐形眼镜,可以定期查看眼科医生,以检查它们。
  • 使用接触溶液每天对镜头进行消毒。
  • Don’t touch anyone who has conjunctivitis.
  • Replace any object that’s been in contact with an infected eye.


