
发音为“ End-opf-thal-Mi-tis,是用来描述眼睛内部严重炎症的术语。炎症是由感染引起的。它可能发生在某些类型的眼科手术中,或者如果眼睛被外部物体刺穿。

Endophthalmitis is very rare, but if it occurs, it’s an urgent medical emergency.


  • eye pain that becomes worse after surgery or injury to the eye
  • decreased or loss of vision
  • 红眼睛
  • pus from the eye
  • swollen eyelids


  • 模糊的视野
  • 轻度的眼睛疼痛
  • trouble looking at bright lights


There are two main types of endophthalmitis. One is exogenous endophthalmitis, meaning infection goes inside the eye through an outside source. The second is endogenous endophthalmitis, meaning infection spreads to the eye from another part of the body.

Exogenous endophthalmitis is the most common form. It can occur as a result of a cut to the eye during surgery or by piercing of the eye by a foreign body. Such cuts or openings make it more likely infection will travel inside the eyeball.

Exogenous endophthalmitis is seen more frequently with specific eye surgeries. One iscataract surgery. This isn’t necessarily due to the surgical procedure itself. Cataract surgery is the most common eye surgery performed, so there are more possibilities for this surgery to result in endophthalmitis.

Other surgeries that result more frequently in this type of infection are those done within the eyeball itself. This is called intraocular surgery.

Risk factors for exogenous endophthalmitis include extra loss of fluid behind the eye, poor wound healing, and a longer surgery time.

After a piercing eye trauma, risk factors for endophthalmitis include:

  • having the foreign object, or a piece of the object, remain in your eye
  • waiting more than 24 hours to repair the cut
  • 在乡村环境中,您更有可能在眼中吸引土壤
  • damage to the lens

People who’ve had certain types of surgery forglaucoma, such as glaucoma filtering, are at life-long risk of developing endophthalmitis.

Your doctor, usually an ophthalmologist (a doctor specializing in eye health), will likely do several things to find out if symptoms are from endophthalmitis. They will look at your eye and test your vision. They may order an超声看看眼球中是否有异物。



It’s most important to get an antibiotic into the eye as soon as possible. Typically, antibiotics are placed right into the eye with a tiny needle. A corticosteroid may be added in some cases to reduce swelling. Only in very rare and more serious cases are general antibiotics given.




Be sure to keep all follow-up eye appointments with your doctor.

Use protective eyewear when doing anything that could cause an object to fly into your eye, such as sawing wood, or during contact sports. Protective eyewear may include:

  • goggles
  • 眼罩
  • 头盔

If you have eye surgery, follow your doctor’s postoperative instructions. That can help reduce your risk for infection.
