一个cavitybetween two teeth is called an interproximal cavity. Just like any other cavity, interproximal cavities form when enamel is worn away and bacteria sticks to the tooth and causes decay.

Chances are you’ll be unaware of the cavity until one of two things happens:

  1. The cavity penetrates the enamel and reaches the second layer of tissue, known as the dentin. This can result in tooth sensitivity to sweets and cold and discomfort when chewing.
  2. Your dentist or dental hygienist spots the cavity, typically through a bitewing X-ray.


  1. 重新估计。如果蛀牙早点被捕获,并且仅延伸到牙釉质中的一半或更小时,则通常可以用氟化物凝胶重新定位。
  2. 填充。如果腔延伸到搪瓷的一半以上,则可以使用填充来使牙齿恢复其正常形状和功能。通常,牙齿会钻出以去除腐烂,钻孔区域将被瓷器,金,银,树脂或汞合金等材料填充。
  3. Root canal。如果腔体严重,长期未被发现和未经治疗,则根管治疗可能是节省牙齿的最佳选择。根管包括从牙齿内部取出的果肉。然后,在清洁,消毒和形状的牙齿内部后,填充封口将其脱离空间。
  4. 王冠。牙冠是保护牙齿的自然盖。它们由多种材料制成,包括陶瓷,复合树脂,金属合金,瓷器或组合。如果牙齿填充大,剩下太多的天然牙齿,则可以使用牙冠来覆盖馅料并支撑牙齿。通常在根管之后添加冠。
  5. Extraction。If there are no other options and there is a possibility that infection may move from the tooth to the jawbone, an extraction is the last resort. The gap left by the extracted tooth can be filled with a bridge, a partial denture, or a dental implant.

Because your toothbrush doesn’t effectively clean the bacteria and plaque between your teeth, interproximal cavities can be difficult to prevent with brushing alone. Usingdental floss每天在牙齿之间进行一次,对于保持缝隙和牙齿清洁之间的裂缝和无腔之间的裂缝将有很长的路要走。


最有效的牙齿卫生between your teeth is brushing twice every day with a toothpaste containing fluoride, flossing — or using another type of between-teeth (interdental) cleaner — once a day, and having regular examinations by your dentist.