Researchers are looking at the proteins that help the body make teeth as a way to fix cavities without using a dentist’s drill.

There’s a new dental product that uses your body’s natural tooth-forming proteins to rebuild tooth enamel to repair cavities.


The product was the subject of a research study that was published recently in the journalACS生物材料科学与工程.

根据这一点 World Health Organization (世卫组织),蛀牙是全球性的主要公共卫生问题,也是最普遍的非传染性疾病。

Dental cavities can seriously impact quality of life.

Among other things, cavities may make eating painful and disrupt sleep. When they reach an advanced stage (abscess), cavities may even cause chronic systemic infection.

发表的2015年研究Journal of Dental Research2.4发现蛀牙的影响billion people worldwide.

In addition, untreated cavities in baby teeth were the 10thmost prevalent condition, affecting more than 600 million children globally.

Untreated, tooth decay will eventually lead to tooth loss.

根据疾病控制和预防的中心(CDC), tooth decay 是美国6至11岁的美国儿童中最常见的慢性疾病。在14至17岁之间的个人之间的哮喘也是普遍存在的四倍。

Dr. Shantanu Lal, director of predoctoral pediatric dentistry and an associate professor of dental medicine at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, told Healthline “Untreated cavities in baby teeth can lead to serious consequences that include pain, learning difficulties, difficulty chewing, poor sleep, missed hours at school, and potentially, life-threatening dental inflammation and infection.”

Many of the foods we eat cause bacteria in the mouth to create acids.

Foods with lots of sugar are well-known sources of plaque, but starches such as bread, crackers, and cereal can also make acids form.



Gum disease can cause the gums to recede from teeth, making pockets that fill with the bacteria that cause infection.


Researchers at the University of Washington School of Dentistry were inspired by how the body’s natural tooth-forming proteins work.

So, they came up with a method to repair damaged tooth enamel. They captured the essence of amelogenin, the protein needed to form crown enamel, and designed amelogenin-derived peptides (part of a cell that carries out important functions) that can repair tooth enamel.


“Remineralization guided by peptides is a healthy alternative to current dental health care,” said Mehmet Sarikaya, a lead study author and professor of materials science and engineering and adjunct professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Department, said in a新闻稿.

TheAmerican Dental Association (ADA) states on their website that “The formerly practiced paradigm of ‘drill and fill,’ drilling out pits and fissures or surgically removing decayed and diseased tissue and placing permanent restorations, does not address the full continuum of the caries disease process, including microbial activity and the balance between enamel remineralization and demineralization.”


This treatment could eventually be incorporated into toothpastes, gels, and other dental care products as a safe, healthy alternative to current dental treatments and procedures that can be used by adults and children.

