
In some cases, osteoporosis can be a result of arthritis if you don’t get the physical activity you need to keep your bones strong. In other cases, having certainarthritis typesmakes you more likely to have骨质疏松症


Several different arthritis types exist, and researchers have linked many arthritis types with increased osteoporosis risk. Here are some types and their association:

  • Osteoarthritis.Themost common arthritis type,当保护性软骨磨损并且骨骼开始摩擦骨骼时,骨关节炎会产生。
    • 年龄增长是骨质疏松症和骨关节炎的危险因素。
    • Doctors have attempted to identifybiomarkers or cell indicatorsthat contribute to both conditions. This research is in its earlier stages but shows promise.
  • 银屑病关节炎。This免疫相关关节炎形式会在体内引起可见的牛皮癣斑块。
    • 学习have been mixed about whether there’s a connection between osteoporosis and psoriatic arthritis.
    • 医生确实知道,银屑病关节炎患者具有降低骨矿物质密度的危险因素,例如维生素D水平低,慢性皮质类固醇和慢性炎症。
  • 类风湿关节炎。Rheumatoid arthritisis an autoimmune arthritis form where the body attacks the lining of the joints.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis have a strong link. About 60 to 80 percent of rheumatoid arthritis patients also have osteoporosis.

Doctors have also connected inflammation to both骨质疏松和关节炎。炎症会导致体内的组织分解更快。Certain medical conditions and habits可以加快炎症。这些包括:

Preventing these conditions whenever possible can help you avoid or reduce their effects.

骨质疏松症的治疗方法and arthritis forms involve strengthening the bones and managing arthritis symptoms and pain. For osteoporosis, doctors will often recommend supplementingcalcium and vitamin D。这两种物质鼓励体内骨骼生长。

Doctors often prescribe medications to promote bone growth or prevent bone breakdown. Examples include bisphosphonates, monoclonal antibodies, and artificial parathyroid hormone. If you have severe osteoporosis, your doctor may talk with you about taking these medications.

Treatments for arthritis will depend on the arthritis type you have. Managing your pain with over-the-counter非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS), such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, may also help.


  • Exercise daily (with your doctor’s approval).专注于拉伸,运动范围和锻炼肌肉将有所帮助。您可以使用电阻带,游泳并参与低冲击有氧运动来做到这一点。
  • Don’t perform exercises known to increase your risk for spinal fractures.其中包括涉及举重重量,脊柱过度扭曲或从腰部向前弯曲的练习。
  • 增加钙摄入量。钙,酸奶和奶酪等钙的来源众所周知。但是也有来源,例如:
    • 菠菜
    • tofu
    • sweet potatoes
    • broccoli
    • soy milk
    • 豆子
  • Increase your vitamin D intake.维生素D可帮助您的身体更有效地使用钙。Foods high in vitamin D包括鱼(例如鲑鱼,鲱鱼和金枪鱼罐头),蛋黄和蘑菇。也有许多食物添加了维生素D,例如谷物,牛奶和橙汁。
  • 如果您吸烟,请停止吸烟。戒烟可以显着改善您的骨骼健康。
  • Choose anti-inflammatory foods whenever possible. Researchers 已经明确确定这些是可能帮助骨质疏松症患者的抗炎食品:
    • garlic
    • 生姜
    • 洋葱
    • turmeric
    • green tea
    • 红茶
    • pepper

Diets high in fruits, unsaturated fats, lean proteins, and vegetables can also help people with各种关节炎形式

If at any time, you experience symptoms that suddenly get worse, call your doctor.

许多使骨质疏松症受益的实践也使骨关节炎受益,反之亦然。但是,至少有一个已知的例外: 使用皮质类固醇

Corticosteroids are medications that help reduce inflammation. One example is prednisone. Some people with arthritis forms, like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, may take steroids to reduce symptoms, such as swelling and stiffness.

然而, corticosteroids can impair the hormones that encourage bone formation. If a person takes steroids on a chronic (long-term) basis, they are at an increased risk for osteoporosis. Chronic corticosteroid use is the 最常见的原因 of osteoporosis in young people.


If you have risk factors for osteoporosis or arthritis, including a family history, or are just concerned about having these conditions, talk with a medical professional.


关节的外观,关节肿胀甚至触摸热的关节的变化都可能表明关节炎。骨质疏松症通常不会引起症状until you experience its effects, such as a bone fracture or breakage.

Osteoarthritis has strong connections with osteoporosis. Researchers are establishing more links between osteoporosis and other arthritis types. Maintaining healthy habits can help keep you mobile with both conditions.
