孩子听to a lesson from their teacher in class. Share on Pinterest
  • As we learn about the mental and physical impact COVID-19 has had on children, parents differ in their opinions about lifting restrictions.
  • The need for in-person learning and desire to eliminate mask mandates in schools brings contention across the U.S.
  • Children continue to show lower risk of severe symptoms from COVID-19 compared to adults.

Amelia is a 16-year-old junior at a high school in suburban Chicago. She only had one “normal” semester during her high school years, in which she learned in school without a mask or physical distancing.

缺乏正常情况是她最难处理的,尤其是当她的学校在伊利诺伊州州长J.B. Pritzker的前两年中大部分高中的大部分时间遥遥无期的时候ordersand efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.



During sports, she says that the communication between coaches and teammates — as well as simple breathing — is a challenge.

“我们缺少经验,青少年和young adults: concerts, dances at school, sporting events, going to restaurants, seeing our family,” Amelia said.


In October 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Children’s Hospital Association declared a国家紧急情况在儿童和青少年的心理健康中,命名为Covid-19和种族不公正的命名压力是原因。

Dr. Willough JenkinsRady儿童医院迭戈和儿童心理学家的住院医学主任和儿童心理学家说,在大流行之前,儿童心理健康问题的发生率正在上升,并且大流行的扩增和恶化了已经存在的问题。

“Children’s mental health needs to be prioritized at all levels, but particularly on a national level with more funding and legislation to support mental health initiatives,” she told Healthline.

During the pandemic, she said mental health professionals have seen rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicidal ideation increase.

“More children are accessing tertiary and emergency care for mental health. We have had record numbers of children seeking mental health care at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego,” said Jenkins.


  • 0.00–0.02 percent of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death
  • 在所有儿童Covid-19案件中,0.1–1.5%导致住院治疗

Parker L. Huston, PhD, pediatric psychologist and owner of Central Ohio Pediatric Behavioral Health, said that there are two ways to look at this data.

“By percentage, children continue to show lower risk of severe symptoms. It is logical to think that they can relax some of the restrictions with the intention of helping their mental well-being,” Huston told Healthline.

“However, from a population level view, even 1 percent suffering severe complications is a huge number of children, and the healthcare system is not equipped for a significant increase in patient need for intensive services.”

There’s also the concern that children spread viruses more than adults do. “Anything that children catch tends to spread in the home to siblings and parents,” he said.

Still, the debate on how the country should prioritize normalcy for children as it balances the safety of the general public and the operation of hospitals is a heated one with much to consider. In-person learning and unmasking kids are hot topics among parents.

2022年1月28日,美国儿科学会在updated guidance应当遵守安全措施,例如疫苗接种,普遍掩盖和身体距离,应优先考虑学校的学习。



“Having children physically present in the building is really important. For some students, these are the best meals, the safest places, and the most support they get in their lives.

Jenkins agreed and noted the importance of academic catch-up.

根据reportby Curriculum Associates, fewer elementary and middle school students started the 2021 school year reading and doing math on grade level than in the 3 years before the pandemic.

However, not all students were affected in the same way. The report also found:

  • 大流行之前阅读和数学落后的学生经历了最未完成的学习。
  • 年级高年级的4至8年级学生的百分比接近流行前的水平。
  • 在阅读和数学方面,黑人和拉丁裔学生的学习要比对白人学生更大。


劳拉·法根(Laura Fagan)一直对旧金山的减轻责任-19的负担,他的三个孩子(6岁,5岁和5岁)都在她的三个孩子身上,她相信学校对面对面的学习是安全的学习远远超过了Covid-19向他们带来的风险。

From the beginning of the pandemic in early March 2020, she never worried about keeping her kids physically safe from COVID-19. She continued to ride the bus to work and daycare with her kids until the city went into lockdown.



“[Two] of my kids recently had an asymptomatic positive because of required testing, and as a result, they all had to stay home from school for the required period of time. In hindsight, I’m not even sure if they realized they ‘had COVID.’ We just didn’t make a big deal out of it,” said Fagan.

利兹·比弗(Liz Beaver),主持人大坝更好播客和两个少年的母亲和一个在犹他州的10岁孩子采取了另一种方法。她优先考虑使孩子和社区在试图平衡他们的心理福祉的同时,使自己的孩子和社区免受Covid-19的安全。



Because of this, she believes that her kids have the capacity to understand that the public won’t always behave in a way they agree with.

In Utah, there’s a battle between health experts and the legislature to implement safety protocols. But Beaver explained to her kids her and husband’s choices, such as why they chose to participate in the 2020–2021 school year online, why they felt it was OK for them to go back in 2022, and why they pulled them back out for a week during the latest surge that ended up shutting down a few school districts.

“We presented the evidence. I honestly think my kids feel empathy towards all the kids whose parents refuse masks and vaccination. They are very confident and knowledgeable.”


“Because out here, people aren’t being measured in their approach. This creates a need for more safety on the part of the people who must compensate for the recklessness,” she said.

While not many people would argue that masks are fun for kids to wear, the 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) 引用了其网站上的三项研究,作为证据表明,在没有学校掩盖政策的领域中,有更多的共同案件。

“There is no evidence showing that wearing masks has impacted kids’ mental health. There are a small minority of children that might struggle with mask-wearing, and these are typically children with sensory sensitivities or developmental differences,” Jenkins said.

Huston added that the risk to mental health for children isn’t likely to be lessened simply by telling them they don’t need masks anymore.

“There are many other factors in the world that are negatively impacting children’s mental health, such as the mental well-being of the adults around them, expectations placed on them, and how we teach children (or not) to understand and manage their emotions,” he said.



“We were out there telling our kids, and everybody else, that it is essentially okay to lose old people, overweight people, disabled people, and people with underlying conditions,” said Beaver.


She believed that if there were a consistent mask mandate in schools, society could be more confident that it could also protect the teachers, who bear the brunt of the risk.

Huston pointed out that the greatest impact on mental health is likely the feeling that mitigation measures are inconsistent, out of control, or that safety can’t be guaranteed.


Fagan sees it differently, though. She’s a proponent of eliminating masks from schools and points to Britain’s approach with masking. In the spring/summer of 2021, the British government didn’t require elementary school students or teachers to wear masks in classrooms and instead focused on widespread quarantining and rapid testing.

In an专栏she wrote, she also cited a not yet peer-reviewedstudythat explored individual and population-level trends in infant and early child neurodevelopment and the developmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Comparing yearly mean scores since 2011, and controlling for age, gender, demographic, and socioeconomic indicators, the researchers found “striking evidence of declining overall cognitive functioning in children beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2021.”


She calls for the prioritization of children’s mental health. “I’m so tired of people debating it while kids continue to suffer every single day. Where is the urgency? The harms are piling up. At this point, even if kids were lethal weapons, it’s still their turn to be put first,” she said.

She hopes that soon the country will return to pre-pandemic normal. However, she believes that parents who want their kids to still wear masks should have that choice.

从休斯顿的角度来看,目前不应引起争议的习惯来防止细菌的传播。“ [孩子]看到这些做法越正常,他们看上去就越不那么侵入。他说:

