While buttermilk was traditionally a byproduct of making butter, modern-day buttermilk is made by adding lactic acid bacteria to milk, which ferments it.

It has a tangy flavor and thicker consistency than milk and is commonly used to make biscuits, pancakes, waffles, muffins, and cakes.


Still, many people don’t keep it on hand, and others don’t use it due to dietary restrictions.

Surprisingly, you can make buttermilk substitutes — either dairy-based or nondairy — using ingredients you probably have on hand.

Here are 14 great substitutes for buttermilk.


酪乳替代品的关键要素,无论是乳制品,是否酸性和液体 - 理想地是一种类似于酪乳和组合物的液体。

Here are several dairy-based buttermilk substitutes:

1。Milk and Vinegar


您可以使用任何类型的牛奶,但是如果你的recipe calls for a certain type of buttermilk — such as low-fat — it may be best to use a similar type of牛奶to make a substitute.

To make 1 cup of buttermilk substitute, add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar to a liquid measuring cup. Then, add milk to the 1-cup line (237 ml) and stir. If you measure the milk separately, you’ll need a scant — or not quite full — cup (around 222 ml).

Though many sources recommend letting the mixture sit for 5–10 minutes before adding it to your recipe, experts suggest this isn’t necessary.


Lemon juice is anacidyou can use instead of vinegar to make buttermilk.


你可以使用鲜挤压lemon果汁或瓶装柠檬汁。然而,瓶装品种通常含有防腐剂,例如苯甲酸钠和亚硫酸钠。亚硫酸盐可能会引发一些人的哮喘症状( 1 )。

3.。Milk and Cream of Tartar

Another acidic substance that can be combined with milk to make a buttermilk substitute is cream of tartar, chemically known as potassium bitartrate.

This fine white powder is a byproduct of making葡萄酒and has a neutral flavor ( 2 )。

To make a buttermilk substitute, use 1 3/4 teaspoons (5 grams) of cream of tartar per 1 cup (237 ml) of milk.

Cream of tartar tends to clump when stirred directly into milk. Therefore, it’s better to mix the cream of tartar with the other dry ingredients in your recipe, then add the milk.



酪乳是乳糖下降比常规牛奶,所以有乳糖不容忍的人可能会发现它们可以容忍它( 3. )。

However, if you have avery low tolerancefor lactose, you can make a buttermilk substitute with lactose-free milk — though it may taste a bit on the sweet side (4.)。


5.。Sour Cream and Water or Milk

通过使用乳酸菌来发酵酸奶油奶油那giving it a tangy flavor similar to buttermilk ( 5. )。


To replace 1 cup (237 ml) of buttermilk in a recipe, combine 3/4 cup (172 grams) of sour cream with 1/4 cup (59 ml) of water or milk and whisk the mixture until smooth.

6.。Plain Yogurt and Water or Milk

The tangy, acidic flavor and composition of yogurt is similar to buttermilk, so plain yogurt makes for a good substitute.

You can replace buttermilk cup for cup with plain酸奶,但它可能会更好地缩小水或牛奶的酸奶,特别是对于制作薄击击球的食谱,例如蛋糕。



Unflavored凯菲尔是一种发酵的牛奶饮料,看起来和味道类似于酪乳( 6. )。

您可以使用Plain Kefir取代杯子的酪乳杯。因此,如果您的食谱呼叫1杯酪乳,只需替换1杯(237毫升)的Kefir。

Though kefir contains a wider range of有益细菌和其他微生物比酪乳,加热它会杀死许多微生物( 7. 8. )。

8. Buttermilk粉和水


One common brand advises combining 1/4 cup (30 grams) of powdered buttermilk with 1 cup (237 ml) of water to yield 1 cup (237 ml) of buttermilk.

如果您使用粉末酪乳粉进行烘焙,可以最好地将酪乳粉与其他干成分混合,然后加入waterat the point when you’d normally add liquid buttermilk.

SummaryA common way to make a buttermilk substitute is to add an acidic substance — typically lemon juice, vinegar, or cream of tartar — to milk. Alternately, you can use plain yogurt, sour cream, kefir, or buttermilk powder as a substitute.


有几种基于植物的牛奶替代品和大豆产品,您可以用来使酪蛋白替代品取决于您的饮食需求( 9. )。

Soy-Based Options

These soy-based alternatives are both dairy-free and vegan. The included recipes make 1 cup (237 ml) of buttermilk substitute:

  1. Unsweetened soy milk and acid.Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of lemon juice or vinegar to a measuring cup. Add soy milk to the 1-cup line (237 ml). Alternately, you can use 1 3/4 teaspoons (5 grams) of cream of tartar for the acid.
  2. Vegan sour cream and water.加入1/2杯(118毫升)水至1/2杯(120克)素食主义者酸奶油and stir. Adjust the proportion of water and sour cream based on the desired thickness.
  3. Tofu, water, and acid.使用搅拌机到纯,丝柔软的纯度1/4杯(62克)tofu使用Scant 3/4杯(163毫升)水和1汤匙(15毫升)的醋或柠檬汁。


The following plant-based buttermilk substitutes are low-carb and paleo-friendly.Paleo diets通常不包括奶制品、谷物和legumes, allegedly based on the diet of prehistoric human ancestors. These substitutes are also vegan ( 10. 11. )。


  1. Unsweetened coconut milk and acid.将1汤匙(15毫升)的醋或柠檬汁加入量杯。添加不加糖coconut milkto the 1-cup line (237 ml) and stir. Coconut milk’s consistency is similar to buttermilk’s.
  2. Unsweetened almond milk and acid.将1汤匙(15毫升)的柠檬汁或醋倒入一个测量杯中。将不加糖的杏仁牛奶加入1杯线(237毫升)。
  3. 不加糖的腰果和酸。将1汤匙(15毫升)的醋或柠檬汁加入液体测量杯。将不加糖的腰果添加到1杯线(237毫升)并搅拌。

The Bottom Line

Buttermilk是一种有用的成分,但如果你通常不买或拥有dietary restrictions那you can easily make substitutes at home.

The key elements of a buttermilk substitute are an acidic ingredient — typically lemon juice, vinegar, or cream of tartar — and a liquid, such as milk or aplant-based milk alternative

If you’re curious about one of these options, try it the next time you’re baking.