


Stretching in the morning is also a great way to wake up. After all, you’ve been on your back all night — hopefully for at least 7 to 9 hours — so your body is craving some movement. Start with a few easy shoulder rolls, and then move on to toe touches, followed by standing forward bends. End your quick routine with a full overhead stretch.

To say that we’re hooked to our smartphones would be an understatement: A recent学习发现普通人每天看起来,水龙头,刷卡或点击超过2,617次!更重要的是,这种向下运动可能会导致颈椎的超重高达60磅。


开始缓慢,就像誓言要在通勤时间内不检查它,或者在跑步机上跑步时不接它。邀请您的一些家庭成员这样做,并在晚餐期间进行“无电话政策”。每次你don’tpick up your phone is another chance for your spine to reconnect.

It starts from the ground up. Your feet are the base for your entire body. Wearing loose or improperly fitted shoes can cause havoc on your lower back and spine.



一些 学习 证明投资于定制矫形器也可能是个好主意。询问您的医生或与足病医生约会,讨论哪种选择最适合您和您的脊椎。

It’s no secret that we spend the majority of our days sitting. From driving to work to sitting in meetings to grabbing lunch with friends to unwinding in front of the TV, sitting has become our natural tendency. Breaking this habit can be challenging, but setting a reminder on your smartphone may give you the nudge to get up more frequently throughout the day.

Not only does how long we sit impact our spinal health, but how we sit impacts it too. Here are some pointers and reminders for good sitting posture:

  • 向后压在椅子上,下面一直到椅子折痕。
  • 确保您的体重分配均匀,并且您不会倾斜或倾斜到一侧。
  • 保持脚平放在地板上,避免腿部。

How often do you notice your breath? Unless you’re a devout yogi or meditator, the answer is probably rarely. How deeply you breathe and how straight your spine stands are more connected than you might think. When you’re sitting or slouching, your diaphragm is constricted. This puts pressure on your chest as you inhale and exhale. But when you’re standing, you’re able to breathe through the diaphragm, lengthening and expanding the spine and allowing the upper and lower back to expand.

Deeper breathing is important for not only your spine, but also your overall well-being.研究shows that it can help you feel more relaxed, reduce stress, and focus on the positive things in life. So go ahead and give it a try: Inhale, hold, and then exhale.