

The brain disorder癫痫引起第一种类型。癫痫会破坏大脑中的神经活性,导致癫痫发作。您可以说,如果脑电力监测显示事件中神经元失火,则癫痫发作是癫痫发作的。

Nonepileptic seizures are caused bysomething other than epilepsy。尽管心理状况是非癫痫发作的最常见原因,但医疗状况如抽搐晕厥(fainting加上抽搐)或低血糖也可能引起无毒性癫痫发作。

非杀菌性癫痫发作相当普遍。根据2013年的文献评论, 约20% 转介癫痫中心的人有没有癫痫发作的癫痫发作。

如果癫痫发作是由心理状况引起的,则不会有关于一个非典型活动的证据electroencephalogram (EEG)。These types of seizures are sometimes called:

  • 心理非癫痫发作(PNES)
  • “伪索索物”,这是一个过时的术语
On ‘pseudoseizures’

Medical professionals previously referred to PNES as “pseudoseizures.” This term is outdated and not generally preferred byneurologists

“Pseudo” is a Latin word meaning false. However, nonepileptic seizures are as real as epileptic seizures and are not consciously or purposefully produced.

People who experience nonepileptic seizures have many of the samesymptomsas people with epilepsy:

People who experience PNES often have心理健康状况, 也。因此,您也可能有与之相关的症状trauma

因为PNESis usually a physical manifestation of psychological distress, there are a lot of possible causes.

These commonly include:


According to a 2019 study, people assigned female at birth are about three times more likely than people assigned male at birth to have PNES.

PNES also tends to affect people in their 20s and 30s


The best diagnostic test is a video EEG. During this test, you’ll stay at a hospital or specialty care unit. You’ll be recorded on video and monitored with an EEG. EEG monitoring may sometimes be performed at home as well.


许多神经科医生也与psychiatriststo confirm a diagnosis. A psychiatrist will talk with you to help determine if there are psychological reasons that could be causing your nonepileptic seizures.

There’s no one specific treatment for PNES that will work for every person. Determining the cause is a significant part of treatment.


咨询或治疗can occur at an inpatient facility or as an outpatient method. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and社会工作者can administer therapy.

抗癫痫药不能帮助无毒性癫痫发作,例如由PNES引起的癫痫发作。但medication for mood disorders可能是可行的治疗方法。

If you received a diagnosis of epilepsy but are not responding toantiepileptic drugs, you may be experiencing nonepileptic seizures. If this is the case, contact a doctor and possibly a mental health professional.
